
> > CS2D > Skins/Sprites > H A L F - L I F E 2 EP3 background

Englisch H A L F - L I F E 2 EP3 background >

11 Kommentare699 kb, 465 Downloads

alt H A L F - L I F E 2 EP3 background

Doctor Freeman
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My "Little Brother" maked this background for my CS2D. I want to congratulate my brother for he's first CS2D background. So I decided to send it here :).. I'm sorry for a bad english.

EDIT : Lolz you guys Requested to remove the "rate high"
1× editiert, zuletzt 21.10.10 15:10:27
Abgelehnt von GeoB99
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699 kb, 465 Downloads


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What "your little brother" <made> is stolen!


Doctor Freeman
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@Phenxtri, I already watched, many props will be great, I'm sure they are gonna hire the PurchaseBrothers


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not bad im guessing thos were pre alpha stage maps if thats all valve made so far then its a crying shame. They better have been making athe half life movie if they wernt working on EP3 >> I think they may have hired these guys

Escape from city 17 part 1 by the Purchase Bros.

enjoy ze epicness
Ich mag es!


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You know I like it nuff said & so what if its not original >> besides you cant make an original version per say since its property of Valve Corp. Anyways HL2 EP3 FOR THE WIN & I cant wait to see n play it when (if >>) it comes out.
Ich mag es!


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open a account for your brother, lol
Ich mag es!


Doctor Freeman
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It's not my work anyway, It's my bro's work


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because, i dont see any sense of HL 2 ep3 in cs2d, and i can guess it just copy-pasted screenshot


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This is damn good, I don't know why they don't vote 5 stars?
Ich mag es!


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"Rate ∗∗∗∗∗ High"
why should i ?


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I don't like when whos say I must rate 5
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