Guitorres - M1 GarandBlackBelt User Offline 09.02.12 09:42:18 pm Hi today, i uploaded my M1 Garand ---------------- Informations : date uploaded: 9/february/2012 time taken: 40~50 Minutes replace: SCOUT Contains : scout_m scout_d scout_k scout scout_sound Next skin: FN_SCAR_L Guitorres - FN_SCAR_L ----------------- Render : Rules Don't Steal Don't Reupload Don't Call as Yours If you are going to use this for a mod, please contact me. edited 4×, last 10.02.12 08:13:11 pm Approved by Sparty (20.03.16 03:47 am) Download 198 kb, 529 Downloads
DevGru User Offline 09.02.12 10:11:37 pm @ BlackBelt: Lol some weapons you are making looks like the weapons in FNV, can I use this one too? I like it!
BlackBelt User Offline 09.02.12 10:05:10 pm Stop fucking him. I just want him to stop being so hard to give a simple like
J4x User Offline 09.02.12 09:58:52 pm You can't tell him what to do, I somehow agree with him, you weapon has 2 lightsources. I like it!
BlackBelt User Offline 09.02.12 09:53:00 pm thx you guys. next skin i'll try improve the shadding ps: @Alistaire You can't give at least a like, all your comments you don't like It seems that all files in unrealsoftware suck. Like bro Like
Alistaire User Offline 09.02.12 09:52:20 pm Shading bro shading! All your weapons have shitty shadings! ---- Truly amazing how you win at shape and fail at shading every time.
dENd User Offline 09.02.12 09:48:38 pm The shading is kinda weird cuz there are two light sources (like on the source) I like it!