Guitorres - CS:GO Player Pack (Updated)BlackBelt User Offline 21.02.12 07:08:04 pm hi i made this pack for my CS:GO2D MOD, hope you like it ______________ Informations : date uploaded: 21/february/2012 time taken: 90Min _______________ Updated 28/july/2012 - fixed terrorists - added counter-terrorists ________________ Thanks! edited 3×, last 29.07.12 03:13:46 am Approved by CY (05.12.15 07:38 am) Download 17 kb, 2,208 Downloads
@GuitorresMemeoji User Offline 15.05.12 01:27:39 pm U FREAKIN BEST SKINNER EVER! Can u make CT's skin? <:D I like it!
DrL User Offline 15.05.12 03:19:40 am Good! , I saw a dead Counter Terrorist at the 5th Screenshot! Edit:You Uploaded it on my mom's bday I like it!edited 1×, last 15.05.12 05:07:20 pm
Julia D14M0ND-H34RT User Offline 09.05.12 09:24:21 pm What about full skin pack? Not done yet? I like it!
Good Work TRZeduardii User Offline 12.03.12 12:22:26 am Faz os cts agora ,so irei usar qnd tiver os cts =( It makes cts now, so I will use when you have the cts =(..Please ,rehab,joker here.. I like it!
KapsPT User Offline 22.02.12 10:46:13 am I try in the game and it's good i dont see any error I like it I like it!
@GuitorresCY Reviewer Offline 22.02.12 10:32:58 am Quotewhere the liked? Sounds like you're expecting for more likes.
MAX-russia User Offline 22.02.12 10:29:35 am Wtf, why are the top ones are the same as down ones.I'm talking about the images where player holds knife/grenades are the same as images that holds rifles?I see you wanted to make it faster,but you fail.You don't deserve my like anyway.
0a User Offline 21.02.12 10:29:08 pm lolwut, I was making this too. Because CS:GO CT's are fucked up. These graphics reminds me some f2p mmofps.
BlackBelt User Offline 21.02.12 08:57:45 pm @ Yates: are u serious? 0o. i do with the maximum attention
Yates Reviewer Offline 21.02.12 08:53:17 pm Edit: Well I hate to say this, but they're ugly when in-game. The arms are stretched, and weirdly shaped. Fix it (Claw skin).
Misho User Offline 21.02.12 07:13:35 pm Preaty Awesome! I love the 2nd and the 3rd Great Job! I like it!