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English Banning countries v1.0 >

60 comments810 kb, 631 Downloads

old Banning countries v1.0

Infinite Rain
Reviewer Off Offline

Hello guys, today I present you a new script which allows you to ban countries on your server.

If someone which's country is in the banned list will join your server, then he will be kicked.

Thanks, user Avo for the idea.

To add a country to your list, go to server.lua (line 4) and add in the list the country code (EE, RU, BR).
list = {'RU', 'EE'};

To install this, just extract it to your sys/lua folder.
edited 3×, last 01.08.13 12:41:00 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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User Off Offline

very good

need this at the tortilla curtain
I like it!


User Off Offline

did you hear that? "you racist of people country".
good job on racist script tho
I like it!


User Off Offline

well good script i vote 5/5 and i vote 1/5 cause you racist of pepole country..


Super User Off Offline

Most racist script ever! I love this one so much, no more turkeys and brazilians on my server.

I've tired of those: plz open me no kill amigo
I like it!
edited 1×, last 24.04.18 11:44:11 am


User Off Offline

Stop flaming here or I'll have to give EVERYBODY a tempban. Everybody who talks about "banning a whole country because of a single person is racist" and stuff which might start a flamewar gets banned for a week.


Deleted User

@user WinterPwnd:
Well, I would use it only in extra-rare situations, if like couple of hackers are using dynamic IP and never stop, you might to ban their country for like... 1 month, after the month is passed, unban the country... and that's all!


User Off Offline

The script is nice but imo its racist, i mean imagine going into a country like Spain (where i currently live) and they say to you on the airport "We're sorry but Bulgarians are banned from Spain so you're not allowed to go there" (for example) it would be really annoying for a whole country to get banned just because a couple of morons.
I like it!


User Off Offline

About file:
Doesnt it wrong to ban whole country?
But still, here is my like.

About discussion below:
lold at Ashley's discussion. really lold. I like when people have met a bunch of morons, maybe even a multiple times, and they start to argue what whole country is like that. Actually the root of problem "dumb Russians" is way too much kids having internet which intend to be cool and stuff. Everyone hates them, even other Russians. To prevent posts "LOLOLO U R OFFENDED!" i willing to say that im not offended in any way, i know there is alot of idiots, but i dont like when people think that whole country is like that. Morons easier to see because they attract more attention than normal ones. Thats what i wanted to say, do not want to continue discussion "who hates who", just my opinion. If some of you still want to prove that whole country is like idiotic kids, welcome to PM box. Thats my opinion and im not going to change that.

Oh well...didnt i wrote too much? ._.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

I am going to join your war against the Americans, RevendJer the translator user!


User Off Offline

Ashley, stfu. I'm Russian, and i hate you.

Russian hate you

Seems legit.

To the file: How about making lua that bans whole continents?


BANNED Off Offline

@user Artur12: Why? The only ones i offended were Russian kids, the ones who are egoistic douchebags. But you're not one of... Oh.

P.S Any other Russian kid who want's to continue arguing with me, can send me a PM.
I like it!



I'Don't like it.


User Off Offline

@user kushida: Ashley is from Latvia. Learn some geography and then English and then come back. Although no. Don't come back at all. We don't need you.


BANNED Off Offline

@user kushida: Americans. Why the hell is it always Americans? And yeah, i can't start a war, like the Germans did. Actually Hitler was probrably the only one who started it, because many germans deserted the war and didn't want to fight anyone. So yeah.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 04.03.13 04:51:21 pm


Deleted User

@user Ashelin:
Nope, I've created it myself. See the code if you don't believe me.

@user kushida:
She was right about you.


hobo man445
User Off Offline

Its cool that it works but it would be lame if someone used it on a server, just because like 5people from a country hack doesn't mean everyone does
I like it!
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