The Weeping Angels are represented by the Terrorist team. They can't move as long as a Counter-Terrorist is looking at them, and they cannot be killed; however, their only weapon is the knife, so they have to kill the enemy by sneaking behind them undetected and dealing enough damage.
The mod has two modes: Survival and Escape. In the Survival mode, the Counter-Terrorists have to stay alive. In the Escape mode, the Counter-Terrorists have to find the TARDIS and enter it. Once all survivors have entered the TARDIS, the round ends and the Counter-Terrorist team scores.
If no spawn positions have been specified manually, the TARDIS will spawn on a random position on the map. It will spawn on one of the manually specified positions if such exist. Certain tile frames on a map can be excluded, and certain zones can be excluded as well - the TARDIS will not spawn on those tiles and in those zones.
The mod works optimally when the server runs the Standard gamemode and when a round timer is in place.
The field of vision arc, the distance, the number of survivors per round and other settings can be configured in the Lua file by changing the values in the weepingangels.cfg table. All settings are explained directly in the file.
The current mode (Survival or Escape) can also be changed in the console by executing wa_mode [0/1].
I haven't included many screenshots because this mod cannot be explained well with pictures. I intend to make a video of the mod in action.
Approved by Infinite Rain
6 kb, 496 Downloads