Small mod by RyceR
Here is commands:
Have Fun
edited 1×, last 27.09.10 08:30:14 pm
Approved by Yates
4 kb, 3,150 Downloads
menunf = 1 -- Set 0 if you dont want the script addhook("serveraction","hatmod_action") function hatmod_action(id,b) 	if (b==1 and menunf==1) then 			menu(id,"Hat Mod,Helmet,Spikes,Phoenix,Wings,Tyrans,Remove Hat") 	elseif (b==1 and menunf==0) then 		msg2(id,"The script isnt on") 		end 	end end addhook("menu","hatmod_menu") function hatmod_menu(id,menu,sel) 	if menu=="Hat Mod" then 		if sel==1 then 		freeimage(id) 		id1=image("gfx/hats/helmet.bmp",1,1,200+id) 		imagescale(id1,1,1) 		imageblend(id1,0) 		imagealpha(id1,1.0) 			msg2(id,"Youve got an Helmet") 		elseif sel==2 then 		freeimage(id) 		id1=image("gfx/hats/spikes.png",1,1,200+id) 		imagescale(id1,1,1) 		imageblend(id1,0) 		imagealpha(id1,1.0) 			msg2(id,"Youve got Spikes") 		elseif sel==3 then 		freeimage(id) 		id1=image("gfx/hats/phoenix.png",1,1,200+id) 		imagescale(id1,1,1) 	 	imageblend(id1,0) 		imagealpha(id1,1.0) 			msg2(id,"Youve got an Phoenix") 		elseif sel==4 then 		freeimage(id) 		id1=image("gfx/hats/wing5.png",1,1,200+id) 		imagescale(id1,1,1) 	 	imageblend(id1,0) 		imagealpha(id1,1.0) 			msg2(id,"Youve got Wings") 		elseif sel==5 then 		freeimage(id) 		id1=image("gfx/hats/tyrans.png",1,1,200+id) 		imagescale(id1,1,1) 	 	imageblend(id1,0) 		imagealpha(id1,1.0) 			msg2(id,"Youve got Tyrans") 		elseif sel==6 then 		freeimage(id) 			msg2(id,"Youve removed the hat") 		end 	end end addhook("die","hatmod_die") function hatmod_die(id) 	freeimage(id) 	msg2(id,"Youve lost your hat") end