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English Pacman Modded Lua >

82 comments30 kb, 1,453 Downloads

old Pacman Modded Lua

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Ok ! I think every old player who liked lua scripts back in the day knew pacman "Modded" server!

So I though i could make a similar script and I did.

This is 8th update

There are 97 classes chosen by random. Here's a big information about them
here >

Some settings :

√ Dispenser is hardly destroyable !
√ Infinite ammo is on

I've been working on this together with user iii
Right now we're both done on thinking about this and are busy with other things so there might be more updates or there might not. Time will tell.

Installation :
Download archive and put it in your cs2d folder.
Extract everything.
Run map "de_specialforces Mammoth"

Credits :
user Heartless Soldier - Everything started with his Roll the Dice script
user wave2 - The creator of original Pacman Clan Modded Classes Lua and his map.
user HaRe - at the time, I knew very little about scripting. He helped me make few classes which turned out to be one of the most popular (and they still are )
user iii - for working with me and helping this project become a success.
user Pseudon - for giving tons of ideas (man, you have one nice imagination )

Some Extra Notes :
Here's a short video showing a tiny glimpse of gameplay.
This script is working ONLY on de_specialforces Mammoth (it's inside ZIP) by default. If you're kind of experienced in scripting, you can change it, but please note that class called "Duelist" works only there (unless you edit the script code).
If you have any ideas or you think you found a bug.
Write me a message
edited 15×, last 18.05.16 03:14:32 am
Approved by Starkkz

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Wonderful as always.
It's me, Mr.Carnage
I like it!

old ..

User Off Offline

i have heard that pacman want to start a server with the old one
I like it!
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