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English Scan training >

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old Scan training

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Originally based on the Laserpointer Script by Plookerbooy and the Hitzone Script Example by Unreal Software, I've done a few modifications and created the following script which aims to help (competitive) players train their off-screen scanning angles to level up their gameplay.

I've decided not to keep this to myself but rather make it open source and invite whoever is interested to improve it and work on new features.

> Installation

1) Download "scans.lua" and save it in cs2d/sys/lua
2) Download "line.bmp" and save it in cs2d/gfx
3) Open CS2D, go to "New Game" -> "More settings" and search for "mp_luaserver" option and change it to "scans.lua"
4) Enjoy!

∗ 19/12/2017 - Version 1.0 @Github
Spoiler >

Press E to spawn a hitzone dummy.
Line turns green when no walls are interfering with the trajectory of the line.
Line turns red when there is a wall between the dummy and the player.
If you're the only player in the server, pressing E again will make the previous dummy disappear and generate a new one.
Current dummies have infinite health.
When hitting a dummy a sv_msg will appear, indicating you've hit it.

> Current Issues & Future plans

° Running the script with multiple players in the server makes hitzone dummies not clear when creating a new one, thus, eventually having those all over the place
° Using the flashlight (or some other button), there should be the possibility to make the current dummy disappear without the need of creating a new one (currently commented out in the code).
° Dummies currently have infinite health. It would be good to have the possibility to switch between infinite health and 100hp with kevlar and helmet.
° Being able to spawn multiple dummies at the same time could be good
° Currently the laser line goes from the center of the player to the center of the dummy. It would be better if it went from the center of the player (where the shots come from) and then be as wide as the dummy hitzone, proyecting in an angle instead of a straight line.

Feel free to contribute, comment, suggest, criticize and modify the script.
Ideas are welcome too !
Approved by Sparty

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script favor
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@user j0kER aR:
•First : I'm not an admin.
•Second : You are an infant , 12 or 13 years old. :).
•Third : Go and do some homework,good for you.

Good boy

P.S : Go drink some milk and grow up.


script favor
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@user j0kER aR: If you are continuing like this behaviour you will get trashed with banned users.


j0kER aR
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user script favor I do not give a shit who understands what I write or who does not!

user united knows what I write, I do not care if you understand or not


script favor
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It only spam the hits,DWI it's useless.

@user j0kER aR: Why spainsh language, other people cannot understand what ur writing , maybe insutling ... as i understand from "Mierda" .


j0kER aR
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Huy pero que lindo que esta esto! es como ver un pedazo de mierda guionado en un lua, alta mierda, al unico que le puede gustar esto es al gordo puto de @user Paset: que a ese gordo puto le faltan las 2 manos y los otros 2 boludos que le dieron like te lo dieron de lastima nomas, 18 descargas, vos paset y tus otros amigos boluditos, saludo negro virgo


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I like it!
edited 1×, last 23.02.18 01:43:36 am


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capo toma mi like
I like it!


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Good job dude! I hope it will help people who want to be professional in this game.
I like it!


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thank you ♥
I like it!
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