find=Item-Typ ,chance,max,min,needed Item
find=Item-Typ ,chance,max,min,needed Item
### matches id=121 name=matches group=tool icon=gfx\matches.bmp model=gfx\matches.b3d scale=0.75 behaviour=blade mat=wood weight=100 rate=1000 damage=0 info=an easy and light source of fire healthchange=0 scrit=start 	//Set on Fire 	on:impact { 		$tmp=impact_class(); 		$tmp2=impact_id(); 		//Only "torch" and "fireplace" 		if (compare_behaviour($tmp,$tmp2,"torch")+compare_behaviour($tmp,$tmp2,"fireplace")>0){ 			//Works only with at least 1 mathces! 			if (playergotitem(121)>0){ 				if (gotstate($tmp,$tmp2,"fire")+gotstate($tmp,$tmp2,"eternalfire")>0){ 					msg "Already burning"; 				}else{ 					if (addstate($tmp,$tmp2,"fire")==1){ 						statevalue $tmp,$tmp2,"fire",0; 						msg "Fire started",4; 					}else{ 						msg "It's too wet!",3; 					} 				} 			}else{ 				msg "I need a match",3; 				msg "to start a fire!",3; 				speech "negative"; 			} 		} 		freevar $tmp; 		freevar $tmp2; 	} script=end
### Raptor id=50 name=Hunter group=animal icon=gfx\raptor.bmp model=gfx\raptor.b3d scale=0.5 colxr=15 colyr=30 behaviour=raptor health=110 speed=2.5 eyes=10 turnspeed=3.0 attackrange=65 damage=24 ani_idle1=4,8,0.02 ani_move=2,3,0.06 ani_die=8,11,0.05 ani_attack=12,16,0.07 sfx=raptor rideoffset=5 acceleration=0.08 maxdepth=70 loot=9,3 loot=94,8 loot=95,4 loot=96,1 script=start 	on:kill { 		event "iskill_hunt","global"; 	} script=end