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English Game Graphics at VelociGames

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old Game Graphics at VelociGames

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Have any of y'all ever played GameBiz 1, 2, or 3? Maybe CarBiz? Well, anyways, recently, Nino Arndt, the head designer (and possibly only, I'm not sure) there had created a topic on their forum, asking for people to do game graphics for future games. I've been playing the games there for years, so when a topic like this popped up, I had to email him. So I did. And, because of that, I basically got myself lined up for being a member of the art crew. My point in all of this is that I like the members here, and thought that you guys might like to see some of my artwork that I'm using for the games. I'm currently uploading the pics to ImageShack. I'll update this when I do.

So, I uploaded them, took a lot less time than I expected, but here they are. Note that Mr. Arndt asked for something not too detailed and really cartoon-ish, so here they are.


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22
By kmhayden at 2010-12-22


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22


I emailed all of these pictures (excluding the KISS and random artwork) to Mr. Arndt. His reply-

Mr. Arndt has written
> Very nice Isometric would be good but stright on is also okay i
> think. Isometric view is probably harder to do ?

My reply-
Hayden has written
Much harder. Of course, if you wish, I'll do Isometric. The main problem with Isometric for me is the nose and hands. Isometric looks much more professional.

So, I may be doing some Isometric work next.
edited 3×, last 23.12.10 05:33:09 pm

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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Aniel has written
btw where can i dl the game?

Well, there isn't a game yet, but as I said, I'd just like to show everyone my progress, sorta like a mini-forum-blog-thingy.

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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DannyDeth has written
They are pretty funny, I like the last and first ones the most

Yeah, I went a little to Tyrannical-Boss-Who-Thinks-Hes-Hilarious-And-Screws-With-You-And-Makes-You-Drink-Coffee-All-Day-But-You-Can't-Because-He's-Making-You-Get-His-Coffee-All-Day-And-You-Almost-Get-Fired-Because-You-Have-No-Time-For-Work on the second one, if you know what I mean

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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Well, the middle one looks like he is high, that's mainly why I think he isn't as good as the others, I mean, if you showed up or work high, would your boss be too happy?

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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DannyDeth has written
Well, the middle one looks like he is high, that's mainly why I think he isn't as good as the others, I mean, if you showed up or work high, would your boss be too happy?

Well, that depends on if your boss is high too.....
BUT ANYWAYS, yeah, I get what you mean. His demonic fangs.... I mean smile.... its..... err........ a bit off of the design plan. But yeah, here's my newest work-


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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DannyDeth has written
Nice work, it's a bit orthagraphic, if you know what I mean ( pretty much meaning a 1-eyed perspective ).

Yeah, I see what you mean. I'm working on a walking sprite right now, turning out okay, but if it was real, he isnt lifting his foot much. It's the third sprite down on the original post.

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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The simplest way to make a walking animation that looks decent is to angle the knee a bout 2 degrees more than you normally would, it makes it more funny when they walk

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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Thanks, guys. More will be up soon, but for now I gotta eat lunch.


I thought you guys might like to see my old works, but note each of them must be downloaded if you want to see the great pixelation-


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22


By kmhayden at 2010-12-22

Update 2-

Haha! I found my other works. I've actually been looking for these for a year now. These are awesome! It's all of the members of KISS' makeup.


Uploaded with
edited 2×, last 22.12.10 11:26:37 pm

old Re: Game Graphics at VelociGames

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The KISS ones didn't take very long, thanks to my knowledge of their facepaint. As my avatar and signature suggest, I love KISS.

Check the beginning of the message for some new stuff.
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