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English Banaan Server ever crash `?

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old Banaan Server ever crash `?

BANNED Off Offline

Hi Guys,
Much people have by Banaan a server, I buy a server but everday it's crashed. The Homepage from him will get too crashed -.- Is it normal ? and why crashed the server and the homepage ever ? ITS GAY

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

Aah, I don't think this is normal whatsoever. I've played on a lot of servers hosted by Banaan and the only time they're offline is when he restarts them..

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

i´ve seen ur Server overflowed with Laggers and a very big bad and useless lua script that hits the pings higher too and this can lead the Server to Crash.

Banaans Server are very good all fruit Server are propety of him and they running good and with small pings.

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

i think this has to with oxytamine and x-rated.(or however their names are)
they both crashed the servers sometimes. oxytamine said he will continue with crashing banaans servers and x-rated(rodrigo mendoreis...) even published a video where he crashed his server for fun.
hating banaan, maybe because banaan builded a good buisness up here in the cs2d world. funny but oxytamine said he will sell his servers 1 day too for cs2d players.
haters gonna hate
im sorry if im wrong but thats my opinion

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

Admin On Online

yeah there are currently some kids busy with crashing random servers because they have no balls, no brain and no honor.

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

@DC i agree

but it is stupid to crash server...

@Kain no the Server isnt full off laggers (not more) when you was last time there?
edited 2×, last 29.09.11 03:25:43 pm

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

sry for double post but the server is currently offline.(webhoster)
dont know if the online gaming servers are offline but im damn pissed of of them..

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

Yep this is x-rated.
He joined my server so i banned him and after that he made my server crash...
I think he is also attacking the website...

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

user Q-Q has written
Yep this is x-rated.
He joined my server so i banned him and after that he made my server crash...
I think he is also attacking the website...

thats sad, these kids really need to get a life

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

user boyzinthewoodz has written
user Q-Q has written
Yep this is x-rated.
He joined my server so i banned him and after that he made my server crash...
I think he is also attacking the website...

thats sad, these kids really need to get a life

i mean this kids need friends...
and a dollar for a brain

but it is realy stupid and i mean it is illegal illegal

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

Reviewer Off Offline

user boyzinthewoodz has written
i think this has to with oxytamine and x-rated.(or however their names are)

Oxy and X-Rated? No. It's one of them, not both. Or someone else.
Me Oxy and Engi were ripping on X-Rated on skype. Dunno if you saw the thread, don't really care. But it's not both of them.

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

x-rated and oxy. oxy said it in a public chat and xrated made publicity of his video where he crashed 1 of banaans server. they dont work together. but still they try to ruin banaans buissnes

old Re: Banaan Server ever crash `?

User Off Offline

okey so it isnt. but its still legal. so theres no diffrents? omg you guys are really sad.
many kids bought with real money their servers from banaan. what will that do to them when they dont get what they paid for.
haters gonna hate some wise words "klol"
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