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Should users be able to thank posters for their posts?

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alt Umfrage Thank posters for their posts

Moderator Off Offline

Since we're going to use features deemed worthy by other known services (like system), why not implement another one - thank users for their posts. E.g., should a person post something that is useful to a certain member, that certain member can express their appreciation via the thank you button which would be, well, whithersoever you put it.

Although I, and most probably you, realize that it might open new ways for spam and all sorts of various nasty things, it is still a good feature to be had, and the said nasty things, in my opinion, would not be too grave, should the feature be implemented.

Please express your opinion, and if you consider it useless - then so be it. Thank you for reading this anyway.

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

User Off Offline

I also approve this. Preferably just a 'Thanks' or 'Like' button, no dislike or something to avoid revenge and shit.
If users like, they vote, if don't... well, don't do anything. lol.

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
I also approve this. Preferably just a 'Thanks' or 'Like' button, no dislike or something to avoid revenge and shit.
If users like, they vote, if don't... well, don't do anything. lol.

I think it shouldn't be a 'Like' button but a 'Thank you'/'Thanks' one, seeing as Thanks and Like differ greatly, and seeing as Like is already employed in the file archive.

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

Reviewer Off Offline

Look at the right side of the image.

Just an idea, if DC does it right it'll look phat.
You need a dislike, it's democracy 'n.. stuff.. If you report someone for disliking your post you're just childish (If DC agrees to make this of course).

(See how I got 0 dislikes, BWUAHAHAHA..)

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

User Off Offline

I think dat is not needed, so IMG:

maybe this deincerse posts which constains words like "+1" or "Agree"
anyway i voted IMG:
2× editiert, zuletzt 08.11.11 17:22:39

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

Moderator Off Offline

user DC hat geschrieben
and this feature is required because... ?

1. If a person wrote a guide/tutorial, one could assess the level and the usefulness of the said tutorial judging by the number of thank yous.
2. If a person helped another person, the said other person could show their gratitude by thanking the helper.

et al.

user Kel9290 hat geschrieben
maybe this deincerse posts which constains words like "+1" or "Agree"

Here's another reason by the way. Don't see why Kel disagrees tho, but it's his choice.

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

User Off Offline

This now reminded me of 'Karma'. Yeah, users which have lots of their posts thanked, they would be given some kind of points, and the more points, the more respectful the user would be? Idk... I mean, a user to get 'Super User' status needs to have lots of good uploads. How about a similar user title (or even the same) for the users thanked lots of times?
2× editiert, zuletzt 08.11.11 17:21:51

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

Reviewer Off Offline

@user medeiros: No. People would scream for 'thanks'. A simple 'thank' button is good enough, no extra rank or points. Would be useless. And I don't think DC wants this anyway.

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

Moderator Off Offline

user Yates hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben

No. People would scream for 'thanks'. A simple 'thank' button is good enough, no extra rank or points. Would be useless. And I don't think DC wants this anyway.

This. I thought of that too, really, but it would only worsen the already grave situation.
1× editiert, zuletzt 08.11.11 17:22:22

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

User Off Offline

user Kel9290 hat geschrieben
maybe this deincerse posts which constains words like "+1" or "Agree"

That's a very nice reason! And to totally erase needless '+1' and 'Agree', other users should be able to see who voted 'Thanks' (to avoid needless 'I thanked you' replies).

alt Re: Thank posters for their posts

User Off Offline

DC, please add it. I've been banned for 3 hours by you for saying +1. Now that is fair if there at least'd be some kind of easier way to do that.
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