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Englisch Database Crash

80 Antworten
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alt Re: Database Crash

Admin On Online

To clarify this: The guy attacking this website is using very primitive methods. Every stupid kid can do so. You can get tools for this everywhere. A simple Google search is enough. This is no hacking at all (even though someone also systematically scanned the website for vulnerabilities yesterday - using tools everyone can get on the web).

The fact that attacking this website makes absolutely no sense excludes clever and adult people. They would never target a free indie game developer website because they have a brain and they know that it makes no sense at all. Why should someone try to destroy a page of someone who is offering stuff for free? Why should someone risk legal punishment for no reason at all?

The conclusion is that these attacks must be performed by a little kid with too much time. This kid is doing it just because it thinks it's funny or cool. Not thinking about possible consequences or anything at all. Performing blind random attacks with no sense.

If that kid would at least try to get something.... but no, I never received any message with any conditions so that it stops. The kid is just blindly destroying things. There is no point. Like a little baby destroying a house of cards.
2× editiert, zuletzt 19.01.14 13:46:27

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

@user DC: I like that u used 'it', because the kid has no brain.
EDIT: just noticed the previous page.
@user mue89899: Can you tell us why are you crashing this website?
1× editiert, zuletzt 19.01.14 19:20:03

alt Re: Database Crash


this guy whoever attacks website pissed me i cant read forum normally i guess he has some medical problems with his head

alt Re: Database Crash

Admin On Online

user rokeliuxas hat geschrieben
i guess he has some medical problems with his head

Definitely. This poor human being really has some serious problems with its head!

alt Thanks!

BANNED Off Offline

The DDoSer is @user mue89899:
Thanks for him because blame any person that didn't do anything

alt Re: Database Crash


mue89899 normal human who has no problems with his head wont do that kind of things like you do maybe you are ugly have no friends but please put your anger away

alt Re: Database Crash

Admin On Online

@user mue89899: Because there is no effective and affordable DDoS protection. Your attacks are coward. Just like you.

alt bacon and steak

User Off Offline

i hate when the internet goes away! and especially when a little random kid does it for no reason...

alt Re: Database Crash

Super User Off Offline

Mue at nolife.
Dont know why someone is crashing a website which is hosting free stuff xd

Do he just cant get the point how to play cs2d and got mad by that?
If this is the reason its more ridicolous than expected

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

@user DC: Better make this website secured, or try to capture that kid you mention. Im seriously hate when that i saw the website data... Damn. Really that kid is so annoying.

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

The previous posts are so hilarious. It's very funny to see how nobody of these kids has his own opinion.

alt Re: Database Crash

Super User Off Offline

user Chingy hat geschrieben
The previous posts are so hilarious. It's very funny to see how nobody of these kids has his own opinion.

 §5.1 - Show good behavior and simply don't be a stupid asshole

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

user RisingXD hat geschrieben
@user XoOt: You sound like a moderator.
But anyway who the kid who did these damn stuff?

See posts that related to your question.
user mue89899 doing all these damn stuffs.

I have no idea why user mue89899 that very *$@! doing all of these fu*king stuffs, that is not fun at all. I went to this website last 5-6 days ago and I can't enter this beautiful website, it says "Too many peoples" or something related to that. Is this DDoSer already got a kick for his damn ugly butt?

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

It is really make sense. Registered for only one day.
That kid gonna get stranded when he is big later. But who is his real identity?

alt Re: Database Crash

User Off Offline

I simply do not understand how complaining would help. Seriously, stop bitching. It actually doesn't change anything. This sick kid will stop it when gets bored; it always ends this way.

By the way I've got two questions to DC:
• If he/she uses primitive methods why isn't it possible to stop her/him?
• Are you sure he/she isn't a nerd you used to tease at school when you were a teen?

alt Re: Database Crash

Admin On Online

@user Avo: Because we are talking about DDoS attacks. Simple and primitive but very effective and very hard (or even impossible) to stop. At some point the only way to stop DDoS attacks is to upgrade to a more expensive server which is able to handle more traffic but I'm surely not going to pay more money just because there is an idiot out there who thinks it's funny to crash sites for no reason.

(and of course I didn't tease any nerds as I'm a nerd myself)

alt Re: Database Crash


Maybe rewriting affected parts by enhancing security of it in the website could help. You could also try putting the attackers IP adress(es) in 'iptables' denying them access to the server (then their attack is rendered useless) that'd be my solution for you user DC. It's at least one of the ways to defend this site.
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