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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

Hey everyone. Please stay polite. There is no reason to violate the rules.
Regeln §3.1 - Keine Beiträge, die gezielt beleidigen/provozieren (Flame)
Regeln §5.1 - Zeige gutes Benehmen und sei kein dummes Arschloch

@user Thug Life: They are right though. This idea is bad and very dangerous. Every idiot can open a server, including assholes and hackers. Also everybody can steal names of well known servers and pretend to be the original provider of such a server. So people could easily host servers to destroy the systems of innocent players. There is no doubt that this would happen a lot and it's also obvious that this would be the death of CS2D because nobody wants to start a game which can potentially destroy your entire system.

Also: Clever hackers (well, the kids who hack and cheat in CS2D are definitely not clever but anyway...) could simply use a VM to play and restore a snapshot of it within seconds.

Yes, sure, we all hate hackers and would love to see really bad things happen to them but adding something like a system destruction function is really no solution and it would make things even worse.
1× editiert, zuletzt 15.09.14 14:58:48

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Thug Life
User Off Offline

I forgot to add : He must reinstall his cs, not his windows, by deleting his config. My mistake.
Anansy hat geschrieben
I agree with @user _Yank: & @user Mora:

Same to you, you're useles here.
SaskSlayer hat geschrieben
@:98704: That's problably the most stupid thing I've heard here. Please leave.
And no, you can't do it with Lua.

Stupid? It'll help a lot agains hackers of cs2d. If you didn't play cs 1.6 and see with your eyes how it works the real command, don't say that's stupid. I know that it's not possible to be done with lua now, I'm just asking if it'll be possible in future.
@user DC: I understood your point. I just said my opinion. Anyway, you decide.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user Thug Life: This doesn't change anything. The entire principle of your idea doesn't work well in reality. It's not just about the type of punishment (system destruction or cs2d client destruction). Everyone can host a server and everyone could abuse this.

Also there won't be Lua commands which allow servers to modify any client config or even delete stuff on client machines because that would be a huge security risk as well.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

I think that we should be able to resize minimap in editor mode because its freaking annoying when it's big. Removing minimap won't help at all.

I hope I don't repeat thia idea, I really dont want to read 60 pages.

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Removed unnecessary text /user useigor

alt Image covers obstacle

User Off Offline

CS2D hat geschrieben
Mode 0: floor image (covered by players etc)
Mode 1: top image (covering players)
Mode 2: HUD image (covering everything, part of the interface)
Mode 3: super top image (covering everything on the map)
Mode 101-132: draw under this player (id+100)
Mode 201-232: draw over this player (id+200)
Mode 133-164: draw over this player and over entities (id+132)
I need a mode which could cover obstacle but not wall.
Mode 0: covers floor, under obstacle, under wall
Mode 1: covers floor, covers obstacle, covers wall

Mode 4: covers floor, covers obstacle (and under player), under wall.


As you can see image with mode 0 is under item shadow, and with mode 1 is covering player. I need to cover item but not player. Mode 4 could solve my problem.

Additional image:
1× editiert, zuletzt 15.09.14 19:24:35

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Super User Off Offline

I searched a few pages before but I didn`t saw It was suggested before. I this command that will force clients to enable lightning system would be useful. Because there is a maps, that can be fairly playable with a lightning. Something like

sv_force_enable_light 2 (0 is off, 1 is simple, 2 is low etc.)
sv_force_enable_shadows 2 (same)

By default light will be set at 0 and shadows at 1 (just as standart)

What do you think, user DC: ?

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Forced lighting sample /user useigor

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user StirlizZ-Fapicon: Something comparable has been requested recently already. I don't find my reply so I'll repeat myself here. The problem is that the light engine is too slow or even crashes on some systems. Therefore I won't force-enable it.

You can however use Lua to check the state and kick players who don't enable it (or do whatever else you want).
cs2d lua cmd reqcld (mode 3) + cs2d lua hook clientdata

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

I would like to suggest to make a better accumulation of statistical data for every server and sending this data by server into the global USGN statistics server.
Sending this data packet will occur at a adding server in serverlist, at every stats generation and at server shutdown.

These data are to be kept:

1) All the server statistics including:
* IP
* Server start time
* Server information (like name, ...)
* Server Mode (Standard Game Client or Mods)
* Game Mode (like Standart, Zombie, TD,...)
* Map
* Server settings wich are different from the "standard"

2) All statistics of connected player including:
* IP
* Bans (with describing of its reason)
* Average Ping
* Average number of reconnects
* Average time of AFK (or numbers)
* Time of connect to current server (at start session)
* Number of deaths
* Number of kills
* Number of shots from each weapon type (separately)
* Amount of caused damage
* Amount of incoming damage
* Number of placed bombs
* Number of defused bombs
* Number of freed hostages
* Number of killed hostages
* Number of wins while player playing as VIP
* ... And other statistics and we may even create more objective statistics to account with counter of accuracy and teamplay characteristics.

Accordingly, all this data of any server in server list (by IP or by player USGN) can be stored at global USGN statistics server.
Additionally, all this data can be viewed by web or from game client (including the use of filters for Statistics).

This suggestion is not only completely - so I think it is good thing to discuss about it.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user Pagyra: There is no "global USGN statistics server" and there won't be one. Of course I already thought about it (years ago when introducing the USGN) but it would be too easy to trick it with manipulated data. Either with Lua scripts, simple commands or hacks/packet manipulation. This would ruin the stats and make them pretty useless.

And even without manipulation the stats wouldn't be usefull because the game modes are too different. There would have to be different stats for all game modes. But there are also Lua scripts which fundamentally change how the game works so... this all is not working very well.

So I'm afraid you have to use existing Lua scripts or write your own scripts if you want to have more advanced stats.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

@user DC: I understand you and I think that if you do:
1) Not fully generalized player statistics and do it separately with different filters(including its games on different servers).
2) Will create a sufficient number of conditions and checks when generating statistics (that is performed by the server only if there is free access to the internet)
3) Compare its statistics with a common reference (such as the condition - in standart mode without any lua player can not run faster than x, and it can not shoot from weapontype y more than z bullets per second, and ... and so on, in any case, I suggest that the community help you with that - we can create such conditions, and if it will comfortable for you - then you will be able to create such a conditions and checks.)
Collect all statistics from all existing servers with check ip and usgn could only be held centrally, and only by integrating it in the game client.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

You want the servers to check the stats? What's the point? These checks can be disabled with ease by everyone who runs a server and wants to upload faked stats. This makes them completely useless. All checks would have to be done at the stats server after receiving the stats. You might do pre-checks to minimize incoming data but all checks would have to be executed again on the stats server for security.

Also this doesn't cover problems caused by Lua scripts. Nearly all servers use Lua even if they don't influence the stats in any way so you can't simply add a "does it use Lua?"-flag (that would exclude nearly all servers from the stats). You could check the used hooks and executed commands but of course that can all be manipulated as well by hackers and the effort to implement all this would be insanely high.

Even realizing just what you said would be an insane amount of work and it would also require a faster dbs server to handle that many stats and it would still lead to a bad and hackable result. And believe me: This will get hacked to hell, I know those CS2D "hacker" kids.

The only reasonably secure way to realize such a system would be a network of trusted servers. Hosted by trustworthy people. Only these would be able to submit stats.

So my final conclusion: Sorry I won't do this. It's out of my dev scope. Lua allows you to implement that yourself for your own servers if you really need it. Yes, you could even distribute the stats to a global stats server if you use an additional bash script or tool for the transfer of the data.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user Hajt: Such people still exist and there are also many areas on this world were the maximum bandwidth is very limited because of missing/outdated infrastructure. That modem/ISDN caption stuff is just there as additional info. Even some people with DSL should consider to use slow/average depending on their connection / the connection to the server. Also it's not only relevant for the client connection but it can also be used on servers with a weak connection to improve the overall performance. Changes in this setting are so very visible because it is not interpolated (same for the scrolling of the spectator camera which maximizes the effect and makes it look worse than it actually is). Its impact on gameplay is minimal though. Bad pings and lag spikes have a significantly higher impact - and these can be reduced in some cases using this setting.

So why exactly should I remove an important setting which potentially allows more people to play the game and to have a good game experience?

If you're a server owner / admin and dislike "laggy" people: Just kick them. If you aren't and dislike laggy people anyway: Join another server if you spot these people and can't live with them.

The better approach here would probably be to interpolate the movement or at least the spectator camera scrolling. You wouldn't even see (much) difference then.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

Thank you for interest and reply. New ideas:

> freelock in mode "own team only" for spectators
> possibility to connect Counter-Strike 2D and PunkBuster
> shortcut to the server via address e.g. cs2d://
> replays, demo or whatever
> default value for debug 0
> save to file data about of ON or OFF map/fog in spectator mode
> possibility to paste text in console

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

user Hajt hat geschrieben
> shortcut to the server via address e.g. cs2d://

From thread us Server info bug at usgn server list
user DC hat geschrieben
How to make that join thing work:


@="URL:cs2d Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\Counter-Strike 2D\\CounterStrike2D.exe\" \"%1\""

• Change the path behind the @= if necessary. Note that double backslashes have to be used.
• Save it as a textfile with the extension ".reg".
• Execute it by double clicking it (confirm the message that pops up with yes/ok)
• Join links should work now for CS2D

• Same thing for CC, just change all occurrences of cs2d with cc and specify the path to CarnageContest.exe!
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