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Englisch Creation or Evolution?

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alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


@jesterhead: lol i wasnt referring to your thread but the whole debate in general, but if i were u i would have titled it "evolution AND creationism"

i understand what you mean but i think you should be more careful when saying "science." to say that religion is science is wrong because science needs experimental data to justify itself, whereas religion is intrinsically self-justifying (lol redundant).

i think the only time religion becomes related to science is when one tries to explain religion with scientific methods. this destroys the goal of religion...
@danny: well what i really mean is that sometimes people treat science in the way religion is treated by overlooking crucial components of science.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 11:37:54

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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DannyDeth hat geschrieben
Science is beginning a new religion? How can it, Science is the study of the world and our Universe, there actually shouldn't be a debate between religion and science because they both are doing the same thing; explaining everything around us! And why would so many religions exisist if* it was false? Every country in the world has a religion that someone in it follows. And if you look at all the religous books of all religions, you will see they all follow basic rules which they share among eachother, surely then, there must be a creator!

Dude, they just copyed shit from another -.-
No ''god'' created us..
We are here..
Just be happy, dont waste your life praying to a god wich is probly not even real..
Just amgination thats all..

''I saw an angel'' A guy standing infront of the son..
''It's a marical'' Its luck -.-
Stuff like that, easy to prove but you dont want to belive it, because your amagination f*cks everything up..

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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If you spell imagination the way you do, I don't believe you are capable of understanding the true ways of the world. Plus, if god i real, and you guys don't get your salvation, where do you think you will end up..?

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

Reviewer Off Offline

My bad..
my english has gone from great to good in the last 5 years i have been living in holland..
Lived in england for 9years, so i dont expect my english to be perfect while i have been learning dutch in the last 5 years..
But don't ever mock my spelling or anyone elses spelling to be a reason of us not understanding all of this..
I am just like everyone else in the world wanting to know how it all started maybe we will never find out.
But that has NOTHING to do with my spelling -.-
2× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 12:44:07

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


I've been doing research in all my life, and I came up with that God is just a illusion it's part of the religion to manipulate and or brainwash the population into believing in it. It's like, if you hear your own name (you get called by your name for like forever) you know it's stuck in your head right? very hard to forget? same way religion works. By going to church, they make you listen to that "God exist" talk and stuff, eventually you'll believe in it and that's how it works. I can agree with one thing though. God does exist although only as a word in general, so there I've officially outsmarted religion, same way is applied to all other religions/beliefs.

About evolution theory it's plain facts I've read this article on Wikipedia. It's about gene flow, and it explains how life is developed through generations of species. I believe more in Darwin's theory than the Bible or any other god book, sorry but that's just how it is. Belief in a "god" is like believing you got a invisible friend (that you get your "power" from, and that's just nonsense) and that's just incredibly weird. I wish religious people could get unbrainwashed because what they do is just... weird. I'm thinking alot, that they're senile. No offense, but all religious people that I've met in my life lack in logic, therefor they are easier to brainwash (in my theory they're the weak minded people). That's my life research and analysis. Hope that solves and explains everything around just this topic.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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I've only gone to church abnout 6 times in my entire life ( maybe when I was about 13, i think ) and I still believe it. I am not an easy-to-convince guy either. It's all about experiences my freind KimKat

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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KimKat said:
I've been doing research in all my life, and I came up with that God is just a illusion it's part of the religion to manipulate and or brainwash the population into believing in it. It's like, if you hear your own name (you get called by your name for like forever) you know it's stuck in your head right? very hard to forget? same way religion works. By going to church, they make you listen to that "God exist" talk and stuff, eventually you'll believe in it and that's how it works. I can agree with one thing though. God does exist although only as a word in general, so there I've officially outsmarted religion, same way is applied to all other religions/beliefs.

It is one of those things that needs to be experienced, KimKat. If you have never felt that presence, then of course it seems illogical. But I am telling you, it is unlike anything you will ever feel. I don't even know who you are, and it's quite silly to be talking about in an online forum, but it truly is the most amazing feeling in the world, and I think people are crazy to deny it.

Yates said:
Dude, they just copyed shit from another -.-
No ''god'' created us..
We are here..
Just be happy, dont waste your life praying to a god wich is probly not even real..
Just amgination thats all..

''I saw an angel'' A guy standing infront of the son..
''It's a marical'' Its luck -.-
Stuff like that, easy to prove but you dont want to belive it, because your amagination f*cks everything up..

Have you ever seen an angel or a miracle before? It's story time. True story. A man from Mozambique, Africa grew up in a small slum with no money and no home. He searched for years for a way to get his life in shape, but he learned that the only way was through God. What was once a poor man siting on the side of the road became a man who traveled the world. He would walk, on foot, across Africa to teach tribes about God. One day, he was speaking to a crowd and they began to revolt and riot against him because they didn't believe what he was saying. Just as he stepped off the stage to face them, he found himself at the other side of the continent, in Johannesburg, South Africa. How can that be explained? This is a true story. I know that if you don't believe in God, you wont believe it, but I had to say it.
2× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 13:41:36

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


Yeah I know what you mean. That's what a brainwashed person always tell me.

About that man in mozambique, similar things could happen to anyone, it's just totally random, the paths that this man chose is what the path the man chose. Basicly.

You're just my proof, Jesterhead37.
I hope you're happy, lol. I admire your effort in trying to brainwash me but as you can see it failed.

@DannyDeth: Experiences? you tell me? lol, I know what a religious person can do... and it's not pretty. Let's say muslims, they cut your head off (I got video to proof it) if you don't believe in islam, that's just one example of radical religions... here's a ugly face for that. That's one of the reasons why religious are evil.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 13:49:38

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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KimKat said:
Yeah I know what you mean. That's what a brainwashed person always tell me.

You're just my proof, Jesterhead37.
I hope you're happy, lol. I admire your effort in trying to brainwash me but as you can see it failed.

I don't care if you think I am "brainwashed" or not. As it is said, "The truth will out." And I'm not trying to "brainwash" you. I'm simply stating my mind. It makes me sad to know that there are so many people who are completely clueless and won't see it until it's too late. My most sincere apologies.

KimKat also said:
@DannyDeth: Experiences? you tell me? lol, I know what a religious person can do... and it's not pretty. Let's say muslims, they cut your head off (I got video to proof it) if you don't believe in islam, that's just one example of radical religions... here's a ugly face for that. That's one of the reasons why religious are evil.

Out of all the Islamic people, only a VERY select few are actually that extreme. People judge so quickly. Don't classify "religious people" as extremists because of a FEW people.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

Reviewer Off Offline

Well, whoever came up with the bible is an idiot..
Well he could write so yeah.. good job on writing..
The ''Bible'' was took srly when it could of just been a book for little kids to get to sleep..
Ever thought about that..?
The bible had many ppl killed your religion got ppl killed..
BECAUSE some dum fuck found a book read it and belived it..
I whent to church when i was young im actually one of the dum fucks who is suppose to belive this shit..
But i dont..
Look, i like it you have your own little world like taking crack but reading a book..
Heads up for you!
But don't take it srly -.-
A book = a book, you cant prove it all happend..
There is no evidence it happend only a stupid book with storys in it..

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Well KimKat, I cannot explain the experiences to you because I simply don't know the words that would give a summary of what happened to me.

And no, I am not some extremist muslim that thinks that killing themselves via crashing a passenger plane into a tower. There are extremists from every belief system, there are the snake-wrangling dudes of Christianity, the suicide-bombers of Islam, and the Scientologists/Non-theisitic-Satanists of Atheism ( Now that, deserves an ugly face ).

And btw, it's not possible to 'brainwash' someone easily, the suicide-bombers are taken right from when they are children and told continously through modified version of the Koran that it is what they and their God want. I have seen peopel go into church their whole lives and still don't understand God. I was a devouted Atheist until I went to a Theophostic teaching and found the truth. No one can take that away from me. If you people had open-minds and open-hearts you would maybe get a chance of understanding.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


Lol, the religious people will carry out their actions based on their prophecy (interpretations of the will of god). That means they will kill in the name of god, and that makes them seem to be crazy, and yes not all people are like that, but most of them are. If I was the Pope I'd abolish the belief systems in this world. It has no real meaning in it. It's strictly about violence creation, I can see right through them it's not that hard, most people don't got that talent, I gotta admit, some people are better than others but we all got same human rights and I don't hate on someone for believing this stuff, but to me personally it just doesn't makes sense and that is just how I feel. I don't mind someone being a crazy muslim terrorist leader, etc, they can be whatever they want to be, just as it doesn't interfer with my life you know what I'm saying? then it will get serious consequences you don't mess with other people like that.

And I've experienced some funny stuff in my life, which really wasn't that funny, but I'm laughing at them in their faces due to their epic failness. I saw Jehova's witnesses at my door and they gave me some books and stuff and they said "if a child dies, it's god's will" that was extremely weird... all my thoughts are based on this and this brings me to this conclusion... religions are messed up in their heads.

What I've said is epic and very true the story goes on though to be honest. I hope you are happy now, because I don't care about religion, and it doesn't care about me so why should I care? I am really annoyed by all this religious text and all that holy nonsense, today... I will not further discuss this nonsense because it's totally loony and yeah, good bye religion, it doesn't interest me, it's just weird and basicly not worth talking about. I realised, by talking about religion makes it survive, so bye bye religion. Hope that religion dies out in the following generations due to it's total propaganda content.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 14:08:26

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Yates said:
Well, whoever came up with the bible is an idiot..
Well he could write so yeah.. good job on writing..
The ''Bible'' was took srly when it could of just been a book for little kids to get to sleep..
Ever thought about that..?
The bible had many ppl killed your religion got ppl killed..
BECAUSE some dum fuck found a book read it and belived it..
I whent to church when i was young im actually one of the dum fucks who is suppose to belive this shit..
But i dont..
Look, i like it you have your own little world like taking crack but reading a book..
Heads up for you!
But don't take it srly -.-
A book = a book, you cant prove it all happend..
There is no evidence it happend only a stupid book with storys in it..

Whether or not you believe it to be true doesn't change whether or not it is. Who knows, I could be completely wrong! I could have my whole view wrong! But even if it is, at least I took the chance to see the other side. It makes logical sense to believe it, because if it is wrong, then you don't lose anything. If it is right, then thats great. But for now, how do you know that the bible was just a book written by some person? It wasn't. It was written by many people. Who all had the same experience. Either that is a serious freak coincidence that they were all crazy and all wrote about the same stuff, of there really is a God that told them what to right. even from a scientific view it makes more sense that God exists. But I'm not going to bother wasting anybody else's time with my beliefs. They are what I believe, and not even death can take that from me.

And... I;m not even going to bother replying to KimKats response.

Btw - I think that this argument has gotten very off the topic of how things were created.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Do you think that maybe religions (some) were invented to give us a sense of hope? Because in my church, no one is being brainwashed. We all agree that God is all-loving, and is there for us. Even atheists and non-believers go, because they know they will begin to believe again in the future.
And that's a good thing. Hope. That's something we don't come across these days.
The mention of God for some people (like my long-dead grandparents, now in Paradise now ) gives them a sense of hope. I don't think science gves you that kind of warm hope.
But I may be wrong.
Plus, just because you witness one person make a religion look bad, doesn't mean that the WHOLE religion is bad. get your mind set, and quit stereotyping.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 14:14:58

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


Jesterhead37: "And... I;m not even going to bother replying to KimKats response. "

Because you are either weak minded or brainwashed, there I've said it. Just sayin' that you got no point in what you say therefor you give up, because what you say is just fake and based on loose information which is really not worth talking about. Religion is just another children story which you are trying to pass on to me, but I say HELL NO and you fail miserably.

Pupp3t: "Do you think that maybe religions (some) were invented to give us a sense of hope?... - ...Even atheists and non-believers go, because they know they will begin to believe again in the future."

Well, hope is there even without religion, so why would you have to believe in something so epicly nonsense like religion? there, sorry but I have to say that you're brainwashed too. This is funny.

Lastly, atheists go to church for information gathering around religion and for a good time, they don't really care about that God you're so happy to be talking about. Of course you would think they think the same way as you, but no. They don't, you gotta accept that and do not force religions on to another because otherwise you'll see something like me, just sayin' and you probably don't like me denying this "God" in the first place therefor you don't find any "us"-feeling and that's very natural but yeah it's not my interest to be talking about religious gods especially believing in them, that to me is just plain weird, I am sorry but that's how it is. Atheists = lack a belief in god, and yes you would think atheists that go to church would believe in god "again" now that's funny, of course some do but they're just as weak minded as other religious people.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 14:22:55

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Well put Pupp3t. I agree.

@KimKat. Perhaps it's not that I'm too weak minded to argue with you, but rather that I'm strong enough not to.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Like I heard once:
"Giving up doesn't mean you are weak. It just means you are strong enough to let go". Plus, that's on my classroom wall.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

User Off Offline

Yeah, religious people are completely weak minded and brainwashed, Albert Einstein and Louis Pasteur are excellent examples of this.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 14:27:05

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?

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@Pupp3t Nice. And I believe it to be very true. But that's besides the point. I think that perhaps its best to leave this thread to what it was made for, and if people so desire, they can make an argument against religion or something thread.

@KimKat. By the way, even science can't prove God fake.

alt Re: Creation or Evolution?


Jesterhead37: That made no sense. I guess religion is about just that, "nonsense" haha and you are a epic representative of this nonsense religion. I hope you get and got better arguments to defend your religion because it has got many flaws and quite impossible to repair by improving the so-called Bible and it's content.

And god is fake, if I think so. You're officially outsmarted. It's called independent thinking not brainwashed thinking, same way Albert Einstein operated, and yes Albert Einstein was brainwashed but he did great things instead of demolishing the world or anything like that. He was a genious instead.
1× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.10 14:33:38
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