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Englisch CS2D Max - Suggestions

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alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
Leegao and AnimA are obviously sniper lamers and now they are pissed off

Really unnecessary, I probably used the AWP/Scout 10 times since I started playing CS2D, and never used the GS, and the SG. So I'm not pissed nor am I a sniper lamer . I'd care less if u actually removed all the snipers.

P.S~ That was [TGV]AjSec5000's post using Leegaos account.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

sorry, just don't take me too serious

btw: I decided to increase the movement speed by 10% again (which makes +20% since please don't ask for more

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Lol thanks DC

Hopefully it'll be fast enough

P.S~ Any idea on when the next available beta release will be? ( If the question pisses you off, I'm sorry, don't answer it )

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Spielt CS2D

well keep it with the laser.... its cool...
oh, and if possible, make the shot goes where the laser is!
so the player have to be stopped for perfect shoot!

btw, watch out to not make it so fast...

oh, and its normal to drop grenades?

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

yes I think it's better when players drop their nades on death. I could add a server setting to control that.

Edit: oh I think I got it wrong. you're talking about dropping with g, right?
I think there is no reason why it should be not possible.
1× editiert, zuletzt 06.08.08 03:01:54

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Would be nice if you can make an update where you can choose to drop your Night Vision Goggles and your Defuse Kit.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Spielt CS2D

hehe yes... Im saying about dropping nades alive...

oh, and about maptransfer, it isnt 100% yet,
some people said the tiles of the map are weird...
I created de_cpl_mill, and they downloaded normally, but
after that, they said the tiles are not ok, so I had to send them by msn...

Im going to test/check a lot of things, then I`ll come back...

and I found something in Editor, I`ll post it here later...

ps: im just trying to help, hehe...

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

I'm not sure if I misunderstood it or not, but from what I understood from some previous posts in this thread, DC did remove the attack-delay for the secondary fire of the knife. This completely removes the point of having a difference between left- and right-click on the knife! The secondary fire is slow, but powerful, for those one- or two-hit kills when you sneak up behind someone. Primary fire is fast, but weak, for rapid attacks in knife fights.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

you misunderstood it. we just talked about the FIRST delay after switching to the knife

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin Off Offline

Sorry I can't. BlitzMax obviously doesn't differntiate those keys. means: enter = kp_enter

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


About defusing:
i can only keyhit E (not keydown) and i defused bomb if i dont move.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

>Make the scoreboard visible before you have to select or close the select team screen

>make the console moveable

>add Mr. Ast
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