When a player votekicks, before vote kicking, a blank field named "Reason" should be created there. Optional: That field haves to be written or else no votekick. Spectators should be able to votekick Ts and CTs. Terrorists should be able to votekick Counter-Terrorists and vice-versa (votes should really count). ~ Because, for example, when a CT team haves hackers and those noobs, and in that team is full of idiots that don't kow how to votekick, T should be able to votekick them to get the server clean! Admins should set the "Votekick Types". ~ When a player got votekicked, he gets IP banned (permanently), name banned, just kicked or temporarily banned (no need to manually unban).
Please consider these suggestions! Answer if you can.
Team-specific vote-kicking was probably put in to prevent the other team from kicking someone on the other team who was 'hacking' when, in reality, that player is just better than everyone else.
Plus, you must understand some people ban others for no reason. You don't want innocents getting perma-banned, do you?
<sarcasm>oh nice idea. a command to change the color of smoke and the color of a flash would be nice as well! and how about a command that changes the size of the little exclamation mark when someone uses a radio command?</sarcasm>
the game is called CS2D and not "change everything"! how about GOOD suggestions?
oh sorry! I forgot it! all good suggestions have been repeated at least 100 times already
<sarcasm>oh nice idea. a command to change the color of smoke and the color of a flash would be nice as well! and how about a command that changes the size of the little exclamation mark when someone uses a radio command?</sarcasm>
the game is called CS2D and not "change everything"! how about GOOD suggestions?
oh sorry! I forgot it! all good suggestions have been repeated at least 100 times already
Sorry, about that. Sometimes I'm "nubewish"...
But how about (some) of my VK suggestions?
Im with TheKilledDeath, it`s impossible to make hack-free game.
Someone will ALWAYS find a new way to hack, bypass old protections, modify the whola game maybe?
You could work 20 years with protections and after 2 days someone has still hacked it.
That`s why Playstation 3 and other consoles rule, you can only hack them by modifying the save-game or working for 5 years with custom firmware which allows custom hacks.
And that sucks.
True, but if you make a detection so hard, then it might be almost impossible to hack CS2D.
And MP Trace failed badly
Im with TheKilledDeath, it`s impossible to make hack-free game.
Someone will ALWAYS find a new way to hack, bypass old protections, modify the whola game maybe?
You could work 20 years with protections and after 2 days someone has still hacked it.
That`s why Playstation 3 and other consoles rule, you can only hack them by modifying the save-game or working for 5 years with custom firmware which allows custom hacks.
And that sucks.
True, but if you make a detection so hard, then it might be almost impossible to hack CS2D. And MP Trace failed badly
Unfortunately, that's very correct and it's the truth....
More suggestions: A 'random' entity which will send out a one when triggered if a random number fits its parameters. You could have a fraction with two fields that say 2/3, that means 2/3 of the time the entity will send out a 1. An option which enables the server to have complete FOV, or set the players FOV alpha to 100% for the game. This could be used so people do not know the map behind them when backing up & firing. A 'lives' setting which sets the amount of lives a player has in a game. An ability to respawn breakable entities after they have broken.
Thats all for now.
Maybe bombs that you can set everywhere and then explodes when player wants to? In map setting, make that creators can set walk speed for specific tiles (example: tile 1, grass, speed: -10). By default, of course, those values will be zero. Also, it can't be set to -100 because then player won't move at all when entering this tile! Diffrent types of walls, where all of them are upgradable: Wood wall - the worst one. (replacament of barricade? Or more better than it, but worse than normal wall?) Stone wall - this one which is buildable now. Metal wall - more better than stone wall.
I don't know for what is it, but... New tile type - death by drowning. I'm usually making water as death tiles. And it would be cool, I think. Make wrench unbuild buildings with ppm and selecting building. I really don't want to destroy SPECIFIC gate field with only HE. Let midi's in...? Anybody then can add his own FULL music ingame. lol Gate thing (NOT Gate field!). Its buildable. Team can open and close it. When closed, it can be destroyed by weapons. When open, only by grenades.
1. Damage(Sourceid,Targetid,damage)
To make a player damage the other player. Maybe even buildings too!
2. More info. Like on Attack could you please add a weaponid?
3. On spray for zombies? Doesn't seem to work for them.
4. More control over the gut bomb? Like beeing able to disable it beeing given for a kill.
Also, for the next version I REALLY hope to see:
5. ms100() - It's allready there I guess.
6. PLEASE! An option to turn off the display of called functions in the console. They really spam the console so I can't read the important stuff.
7. Beeing able to create some graphical effects with LUA. PLEASE!
8. An "angle" parameter for the "player" in LUA. To see where the player is looking in degrees.
I've learned LUA in an hour on monday (I'm a programmer) and for the 2 past days I have been creating a mod and also perfecting my LUA skills. These functions listed above would be great to have in the next version!!!
Also, DC, do you plan on implementing angles? Like not just the point 8 I listed, but something more. Functions like:
Move Player by X towards Z angle (in degrees). This would allow for some crazy mods.
And 9. a Wait(), Sleep() or Delay() function in LUA would be awesome! Could you implement one in cs2d?
Edit: Oh, and DC, could you please reply about these suggestions? Which of them can get into the next version?
wait/sleep/delay in lua?! absolutely impossible. that would pause the whole game and everything would crash / every player would have lag / every player would have a ping timeout.
and there are angles already.
player(id,"rot") gives you the rotation in degrees
I don't want to comment the other suggestions atm. please accept that.
i don't know if this is going to be in the next version , but
a team killer! sound would do good , as most of i the i don't even care for the messages when there is a team killer killing the entire team.
the wrench should be able to repair armor
also , wen ever i fire the AWP and switch to another weapon , i cant fire until the AWP "pause betwin fires" ends , so my suggestion would be that when you fire the AWP and switch to another weapon , the weapon would be able to fire with out pausing , and once the player switches back to the AWP , the pause begains again so that this would really help.
I Have A Suggestion And This Suggestion Is Not Just For Me But The Benefits For Those Map Makers Trying To Protect Their Maps From Those People That Edits The Map And Change The Sign (That Says "Map Made By:_____") And They Will Host It And Say They Made The Map (I'm Not Trying To Say That People Cannot Host Other's Map) So I Suggest That Can You Make A Password Before They Open Other's Map?Like For Example The "de_dust" I Want To Edit It And Put A Sprite That Says "Map Made By:«|R£@P3R|»" So If You Put A Password That Won't Happen To Any Map Makers And Also That Password Is Optional So It Means The Maker Will Choose If He Want To Make The Map Public Or Private.Please Make A This...
I got a small suggestion nothing major, quite stupid actually. What about selecting the size of your font, in the option menu. The large font in cs2d, looks really gay. The old cs2d had much smaller font, it looked alot better.
And if you could add the diagonal speed bug, which I've been waiting since beta that be GREAT!.
Another suggestion that I forgot to mention: Having 3D sounds. Like playing a sound at a point (x,y).
If that can't be done, then maybe play a sound for a single player? Then it would be possible to emulate the 3D.
3D sounds in CS2D? - I tried putting some entities together in order to make a 3D sound effect just like this example right here. 3D sounds!
I don't know if it counts as a 3D sound effect. However I'm waiting patiently for the next release of CS2D with its added "offset" for sounds (I hope).
Func_DynWall trigger field not functioning.
While I was searching around for new effects to use with my map, I noticed something strange when I was testing my map. I wrote a trigger name in the trigger field of the Func_DynWall, and it didn't function well when I tested it. I tried shooting at the DynWall but it just won't trigger anything. I've bound it to a entity, but all I need now is perhaps a "shoot/knife to trigger" checkbox in the Func_DynWall entity.
Is there a possibility to add a checkbox so it can trigger the "trigger field" when I shoot or knife it?
If you don't see my problem, ask me for a picture or the map to understand this problem I have with my map.