edited 2×, last 28.06.09 10:23:50 am

bbecic has written
i think we should make fireball launcher
ill send images later
ill send images later
fireball launcher? OMFG. epic fail.
you better add Snowball Launcher.
that more good. can handle as much as you can, also
shooting timing fast.
that more good. can handle as much as you can, also
shooting timing fast. [/quote]
i kinda like that idea, sounds orginal sorta, dunno if DC will put it in cs2d though

DC please watch this link: http://www.funtrivia.com/en/VideoGames/Perfect-Dark-N64-15847.html from all weapons of perfect dark with secondary things.. therr very nice like this one: a slayer.. normal shoot but if you use secondary then you can control that rocket so it moves selfs but you can move with it only to left and right and to slow down but to kill then you need to shoot

Why not only edit the grenade launcher and change the damage and sounds?
hmm thats bad idea, think with your brain then snowballs would explode -.- , does snowballs explode, wups?
Have some fantasy. DC can't fix over 9000 weapons.
Just have little fantasy and it should work that way too.
please stop suggesting idiotic weapons or weapons in general. I'll ignore that crap anyway.
thank you.
Both would be nice thanks yo!
(i think you are noob-maybe you could say nice idea or something and not put it in new version)
also is admin of some game talking like this? i dont think so...
DC has written:
please stop suggesting idiotic weapons or weapons in general. I'll ignore that crap anyway.
and now youre gonna say that this post is spam flame i dont know, but i think they all agree with me, noob!
edited 1×, last 28.06.09 10:15:28 am
Admin/mod comment
this post _IS_ flame because you are calling me a noob. /DC

and now you complain about my post that a snowball launcher is idiotic? you should thank god that this thread is still open. the post wasn't even rude. It was just the truth.
please feel free to leave this forum when you have a problem with the admins/mods here. thank you.
btw: please look at your profile. you have 9 (NINE!) violations in less than 2 weeks. that's unacceptable. you should change your own behavior before you complain about others.
back to topic.
edited 1×, last 28.06.09 10:46:06 am
maybe you could be not rude... saying crap and saying that someones ideas is idiotic is not what admin says so you face the facts that you never admit that theres some bugs in this games, also i didnt know that we cant send suggestions for weapons, and i also never ever never saw that admin of some games says that someones idea is crap and idiotic, some admins dont like some ideas but they say great idea.
maybe you could do something like that.
and just beacuse you are admin that doesnt mean that you are best in this game and that you are smartest here!
Admin/mod comment
okay. /DC bbecic has written
I think they really should.
also, if something is a funny/good idea (and DC likes it...) he will build it in anyway.
(like Zombiemode,Snowballs,Portal guns etc.)
BiH-Armija has written
Thanks for nothing? If you really think so: Stop playing my "nothing" and leave this community.-.- thank you dc for nothing i was writing all the time and you dont even say no thanks but you say crapy weapons... thank you very much, your a real good man..
I'm sorry but I get very many suggestions and many things are repeated thousands of times. I can't comment everything.
Moreover I said before that I don't want to hear weapon suggestions. Please accept that. Thank you.
edited 1×, last 28.06.09 11:41:09 am