
How to make "connection" between 1x and 2x berettas?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
On use it will separate, or combined; | 3.03% (1) | |
On right mousebutton it will separated, or combed; | 87.88% (29) | |
NEVER combine 2 single berettas to get 1 double. | 6.06% (2) | |
Other idea(answer in thread) | 3.03% (1) |
33 votes cast
I cannot make models of revolvers, I am not good modeler
Bigger HUD? What do you mean?
maybe nows the time?
when we will get the new version?
or this mod will end like V666 mod?
CStrike mod;
V666 mod;
D3 mod for CS2D;
Op4 mod for CS2D;
And other stuff;
Thats why all is going slowly
Btw im russian too

(Givin' cookies for mod:

and wtf?
I've forgot to say that i like your mod

Vectar666 has written
Weapons in hand will be like in V666 mod.
Buy menu : B (or something like that)
but i press B and nothing happens... WTF ?
it has been stated that those things would be implemented later
saw it was beta, but then why adding that ?it just confuses people that didn't read the thread...anyways it's gonna be amazing

In this map even SCORES PANEL(tab) works!