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English S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

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33 votes cast

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Hey vectar, im starting making maps for this mod today
And I rated the project ∗∗∗∗∗
(BTW what program did you used to convert maps from CS to stranded II???)
Posted in 23:28, 16 January 2010, Moscow time.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

I used bsp viewer, it can convert to 3ds. And S2 supports 3ds!
Ok, there is a list of things i will do.
Name model/script/special script/reload

Colt Python revolver. √ / √ / none / ×
Colt Anaconda revolver. √ / √ / none / ×
Webley MK4 (38) × / √ / none / ×
S&W 686 √ / × / none / ×
Taurus Judge(12G) √ / × / × / ×

Grenade launcher √ / √ / √ / ×
Laser × / × / × / ×
RPG launcher √ / × / none / none

mp7 PDW √ / × / none / ×

Portal gun √ / √ / × - need improvements / none

EDIT: View first post to see generated rate

EDIT2: Who wants to help with the rest of revolver models? I mean Anaconda and Webley4

EDIT3: New features: Reload, text showing ammo, hp, armor. Dust box as object, if you want to make dust maps.

Any suggestions?
edited 7×, last 11.02.10 08:41:59 pm

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Vectar666 has written
And S2 supports 3ds!

Woah! Serious?! I've been making loads of 3DS models and converting to b3D. Are you telling me, I could have just left them as 3DS?

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

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Vectar666 has written
Yes, if it is not unit model.
Moreover, it supports .X files! But I don't know, is it true.

Oh... My... GOD! Why is this not in the FAQ? Damn, that changes my development speed and capability tremendously! Thanks Vectar, that just made my day!

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Ok, My plans:
When I will finish all reload and portalgun improvement and stuff, I will say that;
Then I will make suggestions from this thread;
Then I will make the rest of CS2D wepns;
Then I will release new version;
Then I will make ALMOST ALL of the suggestions from CS2D lab;
Then I will make In-Hand models;
and release of normal (I mean non-beta) version of CS mod.
EDIT: Oh, and when multiplayer mod will be released, I will try to change my mod into multiplayer.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Have I missed anything imporent in the past month? (About the proj. plz...) (I havent bin on usS in for ever.)
edited 1×, last 11.02.10 11:20:59 pm

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

I waiting on this mod.I have beta and is good.But it need more,more and more units.I think terrorist with gun and he firing,no seal without gun and he running to you.He must firing.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Great mod!

But, theres a little problem... IMO you should write the name of the gun(s) that each ammo uses.. it gets a little confusing for me...


I could do it for you if you wish, I know enough scripting to easily go into the coding and decipher the ammo for each gun... but, from what I've seen, you like to do your mod alone.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

hey v666, do you want the code for shooter unit? i happened to make a rifleman in my mod and i think it'll go well with this mod, even after multiplayer mod comes out.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

Lion_Hearted is right, I am making my mod alone. About SEAL: It is som kind of... "demo". I mean, this seal is just a test for model, it will have weapons.

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

bunnyhop has written
do you will combine this mod with the multiplayer?

Vectar666 has written
Ok, My plans:
When I will finish all reload and portalgun improvement and stuff, I will say that;
Then I will make suggestions from this thread;
Then I will make the rest of CS2D wepns;
Then I will release new version;
Then I will make ALMOST ALL of the suggestions from CS2D lab;
Then I will make In-Hand models;
and release of normal (I mean non-beta) version of CS mod.
EDIT: Oh, and when multiplayer mod will be released, I will try to change my mod into multiplayer.

Yep, normal mod for mod. GFX from S2 HQ and V666, sfx from CS, but menu music from cs, I was going to make some... new music, because I was annoyed by this menu music.

Poll edited, for more information - go to the first post.
edited 1×, last 11.02.10 08:53:00 pm

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

find a help
User Off Offline

please give me it,i will create new models of weapons!!!>i have blender-it is very easy and good 3d model creator and editor.please answer,how to pm others,and some question:how old are you

old Re: S2 cstrike mod BETA RELEASED!

User Off Offline

I cant give it to you, because of rules
MS3D is not freeware, and giving it to you or smb else will be illegal.
To PM others:
in right side of usS page "messages". Click.
There will be button "IMG:
Write new Message"

I am 14 years old.
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