I made 3 groups, and textured them with S2 texture metal_sm, and second is my steel texture. Do you want to take a look?

I made 3 groups, and textured them with S2 texture metal_sm, and second is my steel texture. Do you want to take a look?
@RazorBlade9 I currently have the candy bar itself done, however I'm currently struggling on trying to figure out how to make a wrapper that would look like someone just ripped it open... (half of the wrapper bent over backwards with a jagged edge that has a rip through one part of it showing the chocolate bar.) However I do beleive I'll use a transparent texture for that, in order to save space, and time in detailed model making. And it would probably look more realistic then my own normal work.
Edit: Got your chocolate candy bar done, see the first page... maybe not as elaborate as I previously thought, but I still call it nice work...

edited 1×, last 11.09.10 04:05:51 am

I would have designed the sides of the candy bar as well... but, I didn't have much time...
All it is, is a cube thats been flattened out to the size of a candy bar, then textured with a texture that took me 2 hours to make!

I seem to have a thing for textures...

Anymore requests?
one cute , one normal , one trashed
please make them
thanks (P.S I asked firezone but i dont think hes doing it anymore)
Teddy Bears???
Ok, I'll see what I can do, I would assume the cute one has a dress? Or do you want it to wear pants...
New tree model has been added...
Not too sure HOW to make this teddy bear...

Haven't given up yet...
edited 1×, last 17.09.10 04:53:25 pm

I would like the cute one too have a t-shirt saying "If you read this you are fail" and Jeans please thanks
edited 1×, last 17.09.10 05:12:04 pm

I'll see what I can do mate...
Hello Everybody!
It's really good what you do =o
Can you create a tomatoes bush please?

I'll see what I can do.

Right now I'm working on Razor's teddys...
I've put them off far to long, but I hope I'll get the tomatoes done sometime before next Saturday.
Modeling is not an art thats easy nor quick to make...

But to me, its fun, so I do it in my free time.
No problem

good luck and thank
Vectar666 has written
I made 3 groups, and textured them with S2 texture metal_sm, and second is my steel texture. Do you want to take a look?
I made 3 groups, and textured them with S2 texture metal_sm, and second is my steel texture. Do you want to take a look?
machine gun, m4a1, handgun
if is it possible please make
Did you see CS mod? Everything that is directly from CS1.6 can be used by anyone, because I just converted it. There are M4A1, SMGs and Pistols. (Only that what was in CS1.6)
Thecode, I have satisfied Razor, (unfortunately the teddys baffled me on how to make them without making their legs and arms look like... weird shapes... so I made him a title screen when he said he would agree to that from me.)
And I'm deep into working on your tomatoes.