
You play Carnage Contest too much when...
38 replies
24. when you are near the ocean and wonder why doesnt the dolphin jump up and hit you in real life?
25. When you try to fart on a person and wonder why is there no green cloud above his head in real life.
26. When you *when you* in real life

I've played CC too much.
Also, look how happy they are! They holding other guys hands! And i think top-gut want drink for that!

34. You wanna throw 7 Hitlers on your ugly teacher in real life and see if hitler punches him and explodes and says "HEE!HEE!HEE!HEE!"

Pupp3t has written
35.When you're arrested for even carrying any CC-related weapons, and when you're asked why you have these items, you're reply is "I'm late for a session" 

No. your reply is "Listen,i have a hitler in this bag-he will kill you!" and you pull out a piece of paper with hitler's lua script.

36. you think that a man can summon armageddon in modern times.

42. when you suggest getplayerz()
edited 1×, last 15.08.10 11:52:23 am