edited 1×, last 24.12.10 11:56:52 am

I can't even upload it on Christmas..

I'm somewhere else at the moment.
At best, it's gonna be uploaded somewhere when school starts.
Big dissapointment.
Merry Christmas, tho

I have already finished doing all these things for the mod:
-some new sounds.
-More item and object models, some of which are actually mine.
And now, I have started on the story:
You must survive in a city devastated by an unknown catastrophe, and littered with enemies. At the same time, you must uncover the truth about yourself, since you are not exactly... Human.
edited 1×, last 04.01.11 01:44:12 am
At the same time, you are both "surviving" from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, as well as from enemies

Trying to uncover a conspiracy that involves the Stranded II NPCs. Like the Pirate, with a bloody blade for a hand, The Weed Grandpa who I'm trying to modify so it looks like he has a gun in his hand, and let's not forget the Prof

There are 4 kinds in this mod:
red=regenerating health for 30 seconds.
yellow=gives you bloodrush;makes you fast
green=gives you limited immortality
blue=for 30 seconds, shoot blasts of electricity from your hands

Alright, so the trailer should be out in a bit.
Go on the Youtube channel in my signature for the trailer. (Optional)

@Jesterhead: Ima see if I can do another Pupp3t Mod video.
It will take some time, but it will happen

And for your question:
Using Gradir's and VecTar666's scripts, I made the models for inhand weapons. The body of the Player stays still, while the head (and the weapon hands) models move with the camera.
i would be very happy, too, if you would upload it;)
it looks really good (the body)
@Unidentified: Patience, my friend

It will be uploaded soon. Just need time, and a website to upload the mod.
Right now, I just finished the 1st level. Now, to work on the long 2nd level:the city. Packed full of enemies, items, quest-givers, and of course the Store.
The Store is where you obtain the guns, and the ammo, and food(which is just a slab of meat.) However, the store is a laptop

It will all be answered...in the mod..
Or, at least if you ask nicely here

Well, Mediafire it is!

I'll think about the mapping help :3
(Good taste in music by the way. Disturbed for life!)
I tried to upload it on YouTube, but it also said that it can't process the video.
Pupp3t has written
Oh.. That's weird. It plays fine on my Windows Media Player. Then again, my computer is a bit old..
I tried to upload it on YouTube, but it also said that it can't process the video.
I tried to upload it on YouTube, but it also said that it can't process the video.
How about some screenshots then?