Qrchack has written
Rules has written

Use proper, understandable language and no dialects
I can't understand your trash post
Rules has written

"1337-Speak" (and the like) is not allowed
You are bossy and rude to me
Too much Bullshit here :
If you don't Understand my Trash post , Why the Fuck are you Reading it?
Bossy and Rude? , Sorry , You ain't Fit for this World , If a Simple Critism Insults you , Expect the Outside world to be a Living Hell , And you ain't the Boss of this World , Sorry , you'll be Missed when All the Kids of your Age Become Adults
Also , Using paper to Make Tables Is a Stupid idea , i Doubt it can Stand Even a Feather falling on it , Wood is Better For Creating Tables , So i Suggest that you Use Wood Instead of Coding in an Extra Material that can only be used to Create only one Type Of Building