
Stranded 2 extension english translation(wip)
28 replies

It's name is Höhlensystem_Boden_klein.3DS
that's the files's name... the message says "Unable to load..... (the file's name)
edited 1×, last 03.01.11 04:25:57 pm

Also, I said a few days ago about the skills that get doubled...How can this be solved?? You said about an ID system but what is this?
edited 2×, last 15.01.11 03:11:15 pm
FanisSs has written
I did so but nothing... Anyway, don't care, I won't use the mine, but thanks for your time...However, I have another, greater preblem. I can't smelt iron ore. It says it needs a furnace, but the one I unlocked is in the Forge category and requires smelted iron, so I can't build it... Any ideas?
Also, I said a few days ago about the skills that get doubled...How can this be solved?? You said about an ID system but what is this?
Also, I said a few days ago about the skills that get doubled...How can this be solved?? You said about an ID system but what is this?
I heard about a problem with the furnance in the German S2Ext forum, but I don't remember it (neither the problem, nor the solution), sry.
With the ID system you can transfer skills, states, unlocked buildings and combinations from one map to another map. If you start a random map you should be aksed for an Id (maybe a name or some numbers). If you start a new map you can put the ID of an earlier map in this field and you have everything you had on the other map. In the version of the Extension Mod, which is translated here, it had a lot of problems (for example the doubled skills). I don't really know how to fix that

I'm not saying the mod is bad (I only checked the items, didn't really played).
I'm just saying the items in that mod are too amazing to be kept into only one mod.
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