Stranded II
Open .cfg and .cache
Open .cfg and .cache
7 replies Guys, i have been modding stranded for a couple of years now, but i still want to open hidden files (in the sys folder for example)Files like .CFG and .CACHE
Anyone who could help me with this problem?
Those files are generally not useful to mod, if i am correct. They are normally just things stored by the game that shouldn't have anything to do with your mods. DC Admin
DannyDeth is right. you shouldn't edit these files.
most of these files contain binary data which can not be edited with wordpad.
load.cache for example only caches how many objects/units/items exist in your mod. it is updated automatically when you add new stuff and is required for the load-bar progress estimation at the beginning. no need to edit it.
and cfg files only save your game settings which can be changed in-game anyway. @DC
I usually edit .cfg file because of my screen resolution(1280x800) which is not listed in options. DC Admin
yeah, that's right.. one of the rare reasons to edit those files anyway
thanks a lot, all of you
I thought it was very usefull to open those files... if you can't open them it's hard to say that they are actually useless..