Since somebody made a suggestion about portal gun sounds, I'd suggest one thing: to "reverse" attack1 and attack2 of portal gun, cus now attack1 is orange portal, but in original game it is blue.
what about this one?:
if a grenade "stops"( i mean when a he stops flying shorty before exploding) on a portal gun exit it will go through it and explode on the other side
what about this one?:
if a grenade "stops"( i mean when a he stops flying shorty before exploding) on a portal gun exit it will go through it and explode on the other side
I like the idea! but i dont know if DC want to do this
@Aizajar - He will have to add an abillity to drown...since its water... players must be able to drown if they dont get oxygen...
@Vectar666 - I dont think thats so important... i mean what differ does it make? I think DC should just add an option wich allows you to choose Left Orange - Right Blue or Visa Versa...
My Ideas for New CMDs...
sv_playerpos - Tells players positions by pixels X & Y
sv_playertile - Tells players tile position by X & Y
Abillity to control of how many Lasermines/Mines you can hold (Min 1 - Max 10) Default 3
Another thing:
I noticed one small bug:
When button in lua menu is disabled, you still can press that button through pressing keyboard button, and it still triggers "menu" hook with that number.
i agree with Joaopcvcastro with the jump sustem you can make like obstacle-jump that means you can jump on that obstacle and second in counter strike they always jump
thrid you can make something like machinegun and when you prees e you can control it and shoot (it could be awesome i dont know if somebody has wrote this) and the machinegun has 100 bullets and the good with that machinegun its that its shoot forward only and not the other machinegun where you buy (that sucks because its shoots everywhere)
UDP has less over-head, and is therefore faster. It's an FPS, you can't use TCP. If CS2D used TCP your ping would be WAAAY bigger, and also I would like to point out that, with today's networks, packet loss is extremely unlikely.