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****** | 21.21% (7) | |
***** | 51.52% (17) | |
**** | 9.09% (3) | |
*** | 3.03% (1) | |
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* | 15.15% (5) |
33 votes cast

Yes "thumbs.dll" is anoing and I can't delete it but I find program or something to delete it.I have updated Helicopter Unit Now 

So do you delete them?I can delete them with no problems.You might have a virus in your PC.I had "thumbs.dll" too...

Yes "thumbs.dll" is anoing and I can't delete it but I find program or something to delete it.I have updated Helicopter Unit Now 

So do you delete them?I can delete them with no problems.You might have a virus in your PC.I had "thumbs.dll" too...
If you're talking about them like that then you probably have no clue what thumbs.dll are about.

Yes "thumbs.dll" is anoing and I can't delete it but I find program or something to delete it.I have updated Helicopter Unit Now 

So do you delete them?I can delete them with no problems.You might have a virus in your PC.I had "thumbs.dll" too...
If you're talking about them like that then you probably have no clue what thumbs.dll are about.
Yes,I am.I have no idea what thumbs.dll is.
"MyComputer/C:/Documents and settings/"Your name"/.thumbnails/normal"

I make a Windows vista/seven support patch, when I finish mod

Patch to 800x600
And WIN Vista/Seven support
EDIT:I want to release pre-release 1.0.5_pre but I need fixing now bugs and others. I make now patch for 800x600 screens. See you and post you ideas here, beacause im out of it:
Here is changelog (unfinished)
EDIT 2: Whats about add more parkour content? Like animations tricks and hard maps and pursuits or escapes?
edited 3×, last 12.02.12 12:46:20 am
you should reset the poll too.

goood joob oon the update!
you should reset the poll too.
you should reset the poll too.
He's right reset the pool so the people who see the pool will know the rate of the actual update.

Couldn't check out all the things, but most stuff seems to be quite nice (especially the stuff made by me

Keep it up!

good job I only have good things to say

Edit: I've use you heli model previously and.. what is else yours because I forgott

As I remember you used some of my humans... For example that guy whose face you're using in your avatar...