Stranded II
I need tell ask
I need tell ask
2 replies Stranded is name the game, need change this name to survivor funny 3?
The problem boys need out drugs of game or not play this. Please no drugs in game ok, use better choice. 
Humm dc is lol boy, and remove all messages in forum to keep good forum, thanks Dc big boy
Ok... wtf is wrong with you? Aside from apparently using translator... DC Admin
okay, it's enough now. please stop making threads about this drug shit or I'm forced to ban you.
we already discussed this "issue". I'm sorry that you can't accept the situation as it is but I'm not going to change anything. those "drugs" are plants which are part of the game. you are never forced to consume them and consuming them has a negative effect. so this game is highly educational and contra drugs. you should be happy that I'm showing people that drugs are bad. instead you just see "oh there are drugs in the game! drugs are bad! the game is bad! remove the drugs!" but that's simply wrong. you completely ignore the effect of the drugs in the game.