
help - can't build more
7 replies

you could try adding new buildings yourself!
scroll to the bottom and paste in the following, except for what i wrote in parentheses. it should work. any further problems, just ask.
(((req is what's required for building. first you say the identification number (ID) of the item, and then how much you need. here i have 100 iron(id=85), 200 ironbolts(63), and 20 logs(7), but you can change it to whatever you want. the item ID's are listed in a file called "items" under "sys".)))
of course, there is the minor problem of unlocking it.
very minor. hardly worthy of the title "problem."
just go under a different building - the raft, for example - and add the following to the bottom of it:
unlockbuilding 99;
now, when you build the raft, the yacht should be unlocked
be warned, if you make things too easy, the game can get boring

### (this part is just for your own eyes, so you can tell what the script is for. just add the name of the building.)
id= (this is the id of the process, not the result. just pick a number that hasn't already been used in the buildings file)
group= (this is the group that the building will show up in - buildings, vehicles, etc.)
unitid/objectid= (this is the ID of the thing you want to build. if it is something that moves, like a yacht, then write unitid=(#). if it is something that sits still, like a hut, write objectid=(#).)
req= (i already explained this bit)
buildspace= (for a land building, like a hut, you don't need to type out this part, as land is the default. if you want it to be on water, you write buildspace=water. if you want it to be at a certain object, write buildspace= atobject. then, below that, write atobject= , and the id of the object you want it at. object id's are in a file called "objects" in the "sys" folder. you can have multiple atobject= , written like:
script=start (this is to let the program know that a script has started)
unlockbuilding (#); (if you want to unlock the building process you just created, put the "script=start" etc. under a different building. so when you build THAT building, your new one is unlocked. the number you fill in is the id of the process, not the building. so if for example at the top you wrote "id=105", then you would write:
unlockbuilding 105;
you can have multiple unlockbuildings, written underneath eachother)
script=end (this lets the program know the the script has finished)
you can do this with other things as well. for example if you want to make a new weapon, go into the items_weapons file under "sys". then look at the other weapons, and copy the properties ( abc= ) that you see. so a weapon would be written as following:
obviously there are details that might need getting into, but the main purpose of that was to show how to look at the stuff in the category you want, and make your own thing.
also, you might want to build models. for example, you want your new weapon to be a mace. there is no mace in the "gfx" folder. (gfx is for 3D and 2D pictures and objects). so you need to get a program to make your own model. i use wings3D, which is a free program. it takes some learning to figure out, but once you've got the hang of it, the sky is the limit. unfortunately, the sky has a few clouds in it. transparent textures, for one thing. so if you want a window that you can see through, or texture the leaves of a tree (just a bunch -say 5 - 2D squares with a picture of a million leaves, and the blank spots are invisible), then wings can't do that. but hey, it's freeware.
there's also animating - making models that move, like a lion. you need a different program (like blender or anim8or) in which you can import your .3ds model from wings and animate it. this is a difficult process. also, as far as i know, you need something to turn those animated models into .b3d format, and that is not freeware. however, i don't know very much about animating in the first place, so i could be wrong. somebody correct me if i am

so anyways, when you've got your model made, save it in the gfx folder. textures need to be in the same folder as the model. so, if you made a texture (just any picture making program will do, i prefer saving in the .bmp format) and used it in your mace, you would put that under the gfx folder as well.
to save the model itself, click file>export>.3ds , then save it under gfx as "mace"
to make an icon for your mace, click the various buttons necessary at the top right of the screen (if you use wings) to take away the linse, axis, and grid. then take a screenshot (ctrl+PrtSc). paste the screenshot in paint or something else of the sort, and color the gray background black. select the picture of the model in what is close to a perfect square, click ctrl+c, open a new canvas, click ctrl+v, shrink it to the necessary icon size (takes a spot of practice) shrink the canvas until all the white is gone and only your icon is there. then save under the gfx folder as "mace". so if you're working on your weapon, you would write:
i know you didn't ask all of that, but i have way too much extra time on my hands, and i need something to do

i could go on forever, but my food awaits!