useigor: When users don't speak english or german then they've nothing to do here as those are the only languages allowed. Same for people who can't math: 0.00001428571
Admin/mod comment
Have you ever heard about percents? 1 = 100%; 0,000014=0,0014% /
useigor @
useigor: It would be nice, but even if
DC wanted to add more languages, the community would need about five moderators per language and it's not even easy to choose at least one moderator for the whole community. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it's just hard. I think you misunderstood
useigor. He said he wanted to have a static translation. That means, just the static content of the webpage, NOT the forum. Forum is, and will stay english and german only. Admin/mod comment
Thanks for pointing that out. /Starkkz XoOt Super User
Well a harder punishment for rulebreaks would be more than useful. This might bring the possibility to get a usual community. Also add more moderators as most of them are inactive and the page has a lack of moderation even with RM as mod now.
Some things just get punished after a long time.
Also watch out for multi account reports.
VADemon, you have to deal with fact that these users are here. To avoid future violations better to explain rules/guidelines on their home languages. You can't just force them to leave this community.
useigor has written
VADemon, you have to deal with fact that these users are here.
And those users have to deal with the fact that this site is only German/English. If you explain the rules etc in their mother tongue they would post more in different languages. You basically encourage them.
DC has already said; there are other forums that use different languages. Turkish, Brazilian, Russian etc. so people that want to post in that language should go there.
If people cannot speak German/English and you show Unreal Software in Russian for example, what use does it have when they won't be able to post because this forum doesn't allow their language?
So I quote myself;
If you explain the rules etc in their mother tongue they would post more in different languages.
What is not to get that DC just won't do what you want him to do. Leave it be and move on to other ideas that actually have use.
useigor has written
You can't just force them to leave this community.
Sadly not, otherwise you would have been gone by now. Please, read
ohaz's post if you don't get. For german/english users the site will look same as before. Users would not post on another languages if they're not impertinent persons. At least they will know why they're banned.
I remember time when
DC was against translation of CS2D. Unreal Software is growing. It's just matter of time.
The advantage is that users will get access to native FAQ, guidelines, rules... and other contents. The site will be easier to use. Btw, look at stats. We always (or most of the time) have more online guests than online users. Should we ignore them? They're part of this site. They even can't post, only look. DC Admin
My old statement about the translation of the static contents of this website is still 100% valid. It's actually nearly impossible for me to keep this site updated with even more languages - it would simply cost too much time. Only solution would be to add a way to allow others to dynamically translate it for me and to keep it updated without me manually uploading the translations. But implementing that would cost too much time as well. @
DC: But we don't need to immediately create new categories, but only to translate the whole website.
I can help you
DC Admin
only translate the whole website
you're funny as hell and I think that you underestimate the complexity of this website. I just said that this is simply too much work even if other people give me ready translations. I would have to update and implement all this and I don't have time for this. It's not worth it. End of discussion. Sorry.
DC has written
Only solution would be to add a way to allow others to dynamically translate it for me and to keep it updated without me manually uploading the translations.
Yeah, i was thinking about this. Also about updating: when you add new string for english it will appear in other translations. And for edits, history page similary to Wikipedia. I don't say that this must be finished now, but do some progress. I repeat probably the general request at our international community as my idea - To make multilingual translation for portal, site and forum.
Most in demand is likely this languages
So i think you can do it with using Multilingual SEO with GTranslate.
Also i think that it requires more conditions to upload files to the site or to create forum thread than there are at the moment. Maybe we should be required to come up with some system of "earning respect". After all, we have a very passive moderators and huge number of silly young guys.
And I would like to once again ask you to draw your attention to CS2D(And if it is possible to release the next version or try to fix and add some of most requested features.). Because this is game is main interest to the majority of community. You should make a few hours cooldown on file upload. Becaue people repeats and uploads stuffs that generally breaks the rules.
Sorry if this idea is being repeated. DC Admin
TrialAndError: Additional cool downs could be annoying for users who upload good files as well. It's possible to create multiple good files and to upload multiple of them in a short time frame. There already is a limit of 3 files per day which is sufficient to limit the worst crap waves. But I'm aware that there is still too much worthless low quality stuff uploaded to the file archive and I'm currently thinking about how to handle this in a better, more sophisticated way. Yeah, the chat room idea WAS the best. edited 1×, last 22.08.14 12:00:58 am
Lumpy Mango: that idea is already used and rejected by
DC. Basically it's useless/.. Hopefully not suggested already, but I'd like to see something like "thread starter" besides the nick of the person who started the thread.
Could be useful in some scenarios.
Maybe something like this:

You get the point. Yes, it's awesome i too think in that! Admin/mod comment
No need to quote the user above you and /
useigor Is it possible to check which user downloaded a file? If so make a list for the user who uploaded the file with the users in it.
Hopefully this is clear enough lol I'd suggest a system that upvotes well implemented comments in the File Archive, so you could see about three comments which describe the file properly as it is, on the bottom of the file description and top of the comments.