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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Yep, that's the issue. That tree stuff makes content creation much more complex when done manually. That's bad for me and bad for people who want to add their own trees.

No I think I haven't played 7 Days to Die. I'll watch some videos to find out more about that. Thanks for sharing!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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The yellow pumpkins should increase in size while growing, once grown turn the colour.
I was skeptical at first of your modeling and textures, but now that the world is becoming more and more filled with your art style, I changed my opinion, it looks good again

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Maybe have advanced settings at the bottom of snap grid settings for the more advanced user, containing things like offset, grid controls, grid size, and other stuff. In my experience, the more user control there is, the better it is. Of course, as long as the settings aren't all jumbled up and confusing.

Will there be single-unit/object/item code in SIII? If so, maybe make it so you can change every property coded into the object/unit/item using code, even changing the model and animation to one in a specific folder (maybe in a resource folder for a specific map) for more skilled modders/scripters to make it easier to make unique maps that don't require a messy changes to the entire game.

for example, in SII it won't let you change the name, model, icon, material, and a lot of other parameters that can be modified in the entire game, but not in any specific map. That means that, if you add anything you want, even in a single map, the whole system will be cluttered and will look messy.

In my experience, it always helps to have more options and flexibility for modding or mapmaking.

example: Say I want an angry sheep that attacks and has a few different variables, but don' t want to add it to the entire game. There would be a code, like:

customunit/object/item: builds an entire new unit based on the script contained inside an info in the same way that msgbox can use an info for the text it displays.

alterunit/object/item: changes only specified parameters, and can also use an info for reference.

freevarunit/object/item: frees specific parameters on subject.

EDIT: user DC: Will the code in stranded 3 be turing complete?
Also, will you base it off of the code in stranded II?

What will the code format be based off of?

and also, how flexible will the codes be? Will it still be able to run with the same global/unit/object/item/info capabilities that stranded II had?

Also, will the user be able to alter everything using the code (for example, weather, terrain height, terrain texture, terrain color, sky color, time, etc.)
edited 1×, last 09.04.21 06:46:56 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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EDIT: user DC: Will the code in stranded 3 be turing complete?
Also, will you base it off of the code in stranded II?

I don't know where to start there....of course not. The game is built in a completely different game engine with different programming language.

and also, how flexible will the codes be? Will it still be able to run with the same global/unit/object/item/info capabilities that stranded II had?

If you're asking if stranded 3 supports stranded 2's mods and assets, absolutely not.

You really have no idea how game development works. Please educate yourself.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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What? Using Lua is waaaay better than using your own self-written scripting language. Creating a proper, good and well-working scripting language can take multiple years alone. No time to write any game then. S2 script was bad. It was impressive, considering DC created it on his own, but it was bad.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user ModJuicer has written
Will the code in stranded 3 be turing complete?

Are you talking about scripting here? If yes: I'm using Lua script in Stranded III for scripting.

So the "scientific" answer is:

What you probably want to hear:
Lua is a complete sripting language which allows you to implement basically everything you want to. Limits are memory and speed, not language capabilities. It's much more powerful than SII script.

user ModJuicer has written
Also, will you base it off of the code in stranded II?

user Jawohl correctly noted that I'm using another engine and another programming language. Moreover SIII is much more complex than SII. Therefore it's completely new code. Some concepts are based on SII concepts but not the code itself.

If you were talking about the scripting API: It will be different as well but also easy to understand if you know SII.

user ModJuicer has written
What will the code format be based off of?

"code format"? What exactly are you talking about? Maybe the scripting API? The commands you can use in scripts?

user ModJuicer has written
and also, how flexible will the codes be? Will it still be able to run with the same global/unit/object/item/info capabilities that stranded II had?

Not sure what you mean. It will be more flexible than SII for most things. You won't be able to use your SII definitions/scripts for SIII unfortunately.

For definitions it would probably be possible to write a converter to convert SII definitions to SIII definitons. Auto-converting the scripts however would be quite complicated.

user ModJuicer has written
Also, will the user be able to alter everything using the code (for example, weather, terrain height, terrain texture, terrain color, sky color, time, etc.)

You will be able to change most things. My goal is to make SIII more flexible and dynamic than SII.

Regarding the Lua / SII script "discussion":
Fully agree with user ohaz. I prefer my syntax of course but SII script is broken. Complex expressions are often not evaluated correctly. Moreover it is very slow compared to basically all other scripting languages.

Lua is much faster (with much I mean multiple times), more powerful and an established and well known scripting language with a big and helpful community. Therefore it's the better option. It will allow you to do amazing stuff which was impossible with SII script because it was simply way too slow.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

All of this looks like good news

and also, how flexible will the codes be? Will it still be able to run with the same global/unit/object/item/info capabilities that stranded II had?

Not sure what you mean. It will be more flexible than SII for most things. You won't be able to use your SII definitions/scripts for SIII unfortunately.

For definitions it would probably be possible to write a converter to convert SII definitions to SIII definitons. Auto-converting the scripts however would be quite complicated.

I meant, would each unit/object/item/info be able to hold its own individual script?

I wasn't talking about auto converting scripts, which would be easier to do by hand or simply write new, better scripts, of course.

If you were talking about the scripting API: It will be different as well but also easy to understand if you know SII.

Yes, I was talking about the scripting API. That's great news! has written
Lua is not a Turing-complete
language, because it's implemented on a machine with a finite address space

I think that's good enough for me and any other scripter out there.

I can't wait for stranded III

old When it Release?

XNStar Company
User Off Offline

He y user DC when the game release i wanted to play the game when it release i like the 3D Objects in the game so when it release?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Also, I've noticed that you have been paying attentions to the fact that the more control the user has, the more satisfied the user is. Also the more intuitive the controls are, the better.

Note that Stranded III will likely have more users that Stranded II, and people will likely use it more often, so eventually some of the simple tools and settings won't be enough, and they'll want more control.

user DC has written
I still wanted to post something so you know I'm still alive.

Good. Don't keel over anytime soon. That's one of my biggest worries.

Note that these are just first attempts and that I may (or may not) improve them later.

Yup, they pry need improvement, because I can't get over the fact that the fire only comes from the very tip of the fireplace, and that the fire looks like smoke (maybe you haven't added fire yet?)

maybe you could also add glare to it (kind of like the carnage contest-style special effects in the fire in the main menu of stranded 3 in the fire)

Also, what's the news about the y-coordinate snap grid? Have you decided to implement it? (I worry about having stranded 3 without that feature, as it would make it much harder to build further above the ground)

Also, the caves (you have mentioned in the past) seem like a good idea. You would just need a variable that tells the player whether they can be above the ground or not and set it to 1 or 0 based on whether the player is in a cave or not, at least according to my coding expertise
edited 6×, last 03.09.21 05:33:16 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user ModJuicer: Thanks a lot for the precious feedback! Highly appreciated! I'm aware that there's still a lot of stuff which can be improved with the particles and will try to do so.

Regarding y-snapping: Will be in. I'll enable the option in the editor. Moreover there will definitely also be some snapping logic for buildings. Still working on that.

user ModJuicer has written
I meant, would each unit/object/item/info be able to hold its own individual script?

Yep. There's two levels of scripts:

• definition scripts: Written in the definition file. Valid for each entity of a specific type. e.g. each coconut palm tree spawns coconuts.

• instance scripts: attached directly to instances in the map editor (or - funky stuff - via script). Take precedence over definition scripts. e.g. you can alter one specific coconut tree to spawn chocolate cookies instead of coconuts cookies

Both script types can also be modified at runtime. E.g. in case you want a map where all coconut palm trees spawn cookies you can change the definition script of the coconut palm tree via script.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Thanks for adding those! Very exciting!

Just one of my (possibly redundant) ideas >

Both script types can also be modified at runtime. E.g. in case you want a map where all coconut palm trees spawn cookies you can change the definition script of the coconut palm tree via script.

I missed this the first time I read the post, but.. does this mean you can customize units/objects/items for a single map? If so.. I feel kind of stupid for asking a question already answered but I guess that's life.
Moreover there will definitely also be some snapping logic for buildings

Yeah.. I like where this is going! I'm hyped up for this.
I'm aware that there's still a lot of stuff which can be improved with the particles and will try to do so.

Well, I've seen your work with carnage contest, so I'm sure it'll look amazing by the time you finish.
Anyway, It's an amazing work of programming already, so I can only picture what it'll be like by the time you finish it. In the meantime, I'll be waiting for the another exciting update. Anyway, see ya later, and have fun making cool stranded 3 stuff.
edited 8×, last 08.09.21 05:44:17 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

More >

update: through my amazing powers of hacking I bamboozled DC into granting me direct access to the mainframe where I swiftly exclaimed "I'm in!" before getting to work and just fixing the bug myself.
Spoiler >

cheers to all players involved!
edited 2×, last 22.09.21 11:42:35 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

I'd guess it's because of the use of the <main> tag and the grid layout, which Firefox only started supporting in version 21 (released in 2013) and version 52 (2017) respectively - then again, if the version of Firefox you're using is actually that old, it hardly supports any HTML5 features and uses an rather outdated JavaScript engine (not to mention security issues), so you should probably consider getting something more up to date, if you want to continue using websites created after 2015 (or just in general if you want to prevent people backdooring your browser/system)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Hurri04: What browser & OS & version are you using? It works fine in Chrome and Firefox (up to date versions on Windows).

I agree with user Hador that it's crucial to keep your browser up to date and that it's a very bad idea to use an old browser for every day web browsing tasks.

I don't plan to support old browsers.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

In stranded II, (when you right click) some states you can alter the color, some the intensity, and so on, but it was limited. For example: there wasn't a choice of whether a state would create particles (it just either did or didn't and there was no choice to change it)

In stranded III, there could be a choice of whether a state makes particles (in right click menu you could turn paticles on/off for a state), what size of particles, how many, what color. Also maybe it could have a time variable, so time could be added/subtracted easily, without having to have a separate timer and extra functions for in-map scripts

EDIT: Also, sound levels (ex. Lightning and fire crackles) are important. I've had problems with lightning being too loud, and not visible enough, so being able to effect both sound effect frequency (EDIT:how frequently the effect makes a sound effect, not like audio frequency) and volume (or being able to turn off the sound effects for single states), particle size, color, amount, and alpha are important if there is something large that is on fire, because (in stranded 2) it gets less noticeable the larger the object is, so being able to modify the amount of a particle would fix that problem.
edited 3×, last 23.09.21 01:30:03 am
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