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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

What will main gameplay be? Will there be landmarks? (sunken ships, villages, ruins, abandoned houses. Will regular gameplay have a method of winning? Also, adventure mode. Will there be an improvised map like s2?

Just an idea: a shark boss that needs to be summoned using vast amounts of meat, and gives tons of loot when killed (to make the game more competitive)

Also: the guardian of the island. A big boss monster that can be summoned by building specific structures that 'anger' it (by getting far in the game)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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Just leave those ideas to mods or for further development, for now I think @user DC: just focus on mechanics and technical stuff rather than funky things and mysterious creatures.

Creating adventure is also not an easy task because it require a lot of imagination and continuity to it so still I think he will focus on core gameplay for now

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Creating adventure is also not an easy task because it require a lot of imagination and continuity to it so still I think he will focus on core gameplay for now

When it comes to creativity, it helps to have acess to an entire online community. Its a big help for ideas, feedback, and motivation that I personally think user DC doesn't use enough (although it is work and sometimes wastes valuable time to get accurate feedback online, so I don't blame him)

user Assassin moder please let user DC speak for himself. I'm trying to prevent false feedback here. I want to know what he actually thinks on the matter, not your personal opinion.

EDIT: no offense to you, user Assassin moder, just trying to get some accurate information. I'm sure you're a great person (to everyone but me (you've always been toxic to me but I will withhold judgement) )
edited 4×, last 27.09.21 08:16:18 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Actually no. The pressure of keeping up expectations for an over eager community will only make the game less creatively driven, stressful, and unfun.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

not gonna lie, I felt like my last post was a bit toxic in hindsight (and also not really needed), because positive opinions and feedback are helpful, so anyway.. Still trying to be a positive individual and be helpful, but old habits die hard. (I didn't edit the post because it was stressing me out, so I lost interest)

user Jawohl: Actually, I agree. Adding stress to something that you do in your chill time will make you avoid it, in my experience (that's why I don't do homework, only work at school, or I lose motivation, get stressed, and stop doing it altogether, leading to failing grades and stress)

on the other hand, having positive feedback helps keep motivation up, as long as doesn't feel like you're getting forced to keep going (which has the opposite effect, at least for me)

actually feeling a bit stressed rn, so.. gotta go.

I have more ideas for stranded 3, but I gotta double check how realistic they are when I'm feeling better.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

First off, really not surprised your still in school.
Second, relax; leave DC to develop the game, no sense in pushing high concept ideas, we all have, and its a waste of time for us, for him, and oversaturates this topic with shit.

Just comment on the updates, chill out on the high concept stuff.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

It's fine. I can understand what you guys mean. I reread my first post, and I have some explanation. The main reason behind those ideas was the fact that, in my opinion, you should be able to win the game in survival mode, so adding milestone challenges along the way would be important.
In that sense, I gave a couple ideas for milestone challenges without even explaining why. (low attention span and bad memory to blame)

But there's a reason behind that reasoning too: a game will generally be better received, more popular, and overall better if it supports more player types (chill/sweats/builders/multi-platform/etc.) and also, it gives a more varied experience, both for gamers, but also the developers, because it gives them the choice of what they feel like focusing on, which will likely result in a better game overall.

It appears that stranded III will work for quite a few player types, especially with its good modding capabilities.

I think that making survival beatable would be good, but there should probably be a catch. Beating the game shouldn't get the player rescued from the island, but just give the player stuff, and maybe unlock things in-game. Milestones could make the game much better, as well as opening it up to the likes of speed runners and such.

Stranded III looks very nice so far, and I like the direction it's going. For a single person, this is a supreme feat of ambition, intelligence, skill, and judgement. Good luck, user DC. Thanks. Also thanks, user Assassin moder and user Jawohl, for the good times on the forum, even though I was *ahem* slightly juvenile and argumentative in the past.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

It's fine. I can understand what you guys mean. I reread my first post, and I have some explanation. The main reason behind those ideas was the fact that, in my opinion, you should be able to win the game in survival mode, so adding milestone challenges along the way would be important.

to be fair, this was a function in the first game that wasn't present in the sequel, but its not something i particularly think is absolutely necessary, seeing that it had a good adventure mode tacked on.

But there's a reason behind that reasoning too: a game will generally be better received, more popular, and overall better if it supports more player types (chill/sweats/builders/multi-platform/etc.) and also, it gives a more varied experience, both for gamers, but also the developers, because it gives them the choice of what they feel like focusing on, which will likely result in a better game overall.

Also, trying to advocate for all types of people is a casualised game bound for failure, just look at skyrim. ugh.

uou can NOT impress everyone. stick to the niche.

I think that making survival beatable would be good, but there should probably be a catch. Beating the game shouldn't get the player rescued from the island, but just give the player stuff, and maybe unlock things in-game. Milestones could make the game much better, as well as opening it up to the likes of speed runners and such.

there's literally no point in that though. i mean i get a new game plus, where being rescued just gets you stranded on another island with the skills and shit you took with you, but once you finish the goal of a map, your done, why get more shit when you've already finished it?

anyway for what its worth, your post just now was more sensical than most of the stuff you post. just dont get so... carried away.

look i was the same when i was your age, but that doesnt give you an excuse to spam the forum with stupid posts and whatnot.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

It's fine to share ideas. I appreciate the input. Please understand however that I can't react to everything which is posted here.

user ModJuicer has written
What will main gameplay be? Will there be landmarks? (sunken ships, villages, ruins, abandoned houses. Will regular gameplay have a method of winning? Also, adventure mode. Will there be an improvised map like s2?

Plan is to make it basically like Stranded II. Instead of artificially making the game longer with grind I want to add more content to it. One major point is to make building way faster (less resources required / resources can be gathered more quickly).

I plan to have an adventure again. Comparable to Stranded II but on a much bigger map (not sure yet if there will be multiple maps again). Of course I want to have more landmarks and interesting spots/npcs there but creating that kind of content takes a lot of work.

For random / editor-crafted maps there will be the option to play them with different game modes. E.g. endless mode, escape, creative,...
Game modes are also scripted in Lua so you can even make your own. Same for random events which spice the game up and make it more interesting and challenging.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Spark Fountain
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@user DC: Did you ever think about rendering items in 3D instead of using thumbnail images of them? I have seen this approach in some older game (don't know the title anymore however) and it was quite nice to rotate the items in their backpack slots.

Of course, it would cost a little more programming effort to have individual 3D rendering contexts for each icon. But maybe that would be worth it, instead of finding the best rotation and scaling to create a good thumbnail?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Spark Fountain: Yes I did think about it and I even implemented it. Rotation is still used for the selected item in the map editor.

Rotating all items in the inventory however would make it way too busy. So that little editor and good angles are still required.

Another important point is that I want to have quite a big amount of different items in the game and when they rotate it would be harder to tell them apart. Having a fixed rotation angle allows me to rotate all items in a way which allows quickly recognize them without having to wait until they rotate to a good angle (which would be a super frustrating experience).
edited 1×, last 04.10.21 10:05:59 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

user Jawohl has written
there's literally no point in that though. i mean i get a new game plus, where being rescued just gets you stranded on another island with the skills and shit you took with you, but once you finish the goal of a map, your done, why get more shit when you've already finished it?

That's a good point. Generally, when you've finished the game, something on the screen will tell you. Often they give you a choice to continue or quit. Some people prefer to continue, while some people prefer quitting and starting a new game. I think it's a good idea to keep that choice open, because it is the easiest way to keep options open (otherwise people will avoid completion of the game to get further).

user DC has written
Plan is to make it basically like Stranded II. Instead of artificially making the game longer with grind I want to add more content to it.

Thus fixing the main problem of SII. It took too long with not enough results.

user Jawohl has written
Also, trying to advocate for all types of people is a casualised game bound for failure, just look at skyrim. ugh.

I haven't seen skyrim before, but I have never had much interest in it. I think that because stranded III is more free, It makes adding gameplay types easier.

Also, from my analysis of Stranded III it already allows for many gameplay types (which is different than game modes because it depends on the player not the developer) which makes it much better.

EDIT: I think the more player types that can be seamlessly integrated into gameplay, the better. Of course, after completion, there will be a lot of people trying to add different things to the game. This will probably include different playing styles.
edited 2×, last 05.10.21 06:06:19 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Amazing that he's still going! Candles meaning something date-related is a stretch, but I hope so too. S2 came out in 2008, that's 14 years ago, so I hope we get some kind of release-related news soon. Still don't get why after all this time, he still has the mindset of working completely alone. Personal opinion: this will lead to the project's downfall, or at least add another 10 years onto the release date.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

Still don't get why after all this time, he still has the mindset of working completely alone.

I can explain that easily enough, after (somewhat recent) experiences and recent exponential growth of wisdom. It is actually quite simple.

Because DC cannot clone his experience and send it into the minds of others, others probably won't correctly understand how things like this works.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user ModJuicer: That's not the reason. I'm pretty sure that many developers would be capable of contributing to that project in a meaningful and helpful way.

There are some downsides with a team though. Especially when it's a hobby project. I tried to explain that on the info page (Development section):

So right now I just prefer to work on it alone.

@user SlyCooperReloadCoded: A team can lead to the downfall of a project as well. I wouldn't say that a team always makes everything better and lowers the risk of failure. That's only true if the team works well together.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

For island generation (plants, rocks, etc) a probabilistic model could be used. Similar types of plants will grow near each other, and the possibility of them bearing fruit may be determined by their relative distance between plants. Also, new plants can spring up (without manual planting) depending on the distance between instances and whether the algorithmically chosen place to grow has good or bad conditions.
Note that as a general principal similar things are likely to be found in similar places, even rocks, specific ore, clay, fresh water, terrain, etc. This also means another thing: You can use this to save on space and performance if desired, by grouping and separating things (which you have already done with islands, if I remember correctly)
Due to laws of nature being fairly predictable, fractals could be used to make multiple variations of the same plant, and space partitioning tools could then be used to determine the overall trunk dimensions when said plant is harvested (at least for trees), thus determining the overall amount of material that would have to be shaved off in order to use it in a construction project (ex. a hut) or a tool handle. Of course, for bows a specific size and age of tree may make the best.
Because icons are pre-generated now, different items (only when it makes sense) not clearly defined by the game could be used. This would include misshapen logs, rocks, and just in general solid material. Stability could be a problem, but can be solved by being realistic and realizing that in real life two rocks cannot exist in the same exact place without exploding due to pressure. Generally, instead of stacking, the inventory could be better designed to separate things efficiently.

Also, I found a physics problem with backpacks while walking to the bus. When going uphill, the backpack shifts your center of gravity backwards, making walking very difficult, but if you wear it in front of you can walk forward much more easily.
It's a similar principle to leaning forward on a unicycle. You could use that as the main limitation of space, and maybe also include different carrying devices in the game to improve carrying capability, which would be very handy.

previous post >
edited 7×, last 12.01.22 07:27:55 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
User Off Offline

@user ModJuicer: No, its against game simplicity, stop overthinking. Also stop editing post and marking it as new..

Just wait for any alpha (if any ) version, then post some space-y ideas cuz we will be able to see how basic or complex things are and how much playground there is for us, regular players and moders, and game developer

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

well.. Simplicity is great, but it looks different depending on the person doing the coding. I know user DC does this as a hobby, so I'm supplying alternative options he could use for fun.
Needless to say, stranded 3 will not be just a beefed up version of stranded 2, with everything working exactly the same.

The only way I can improve or speed game dev is by providing new ideas, with possible methods of implementations included. Whether user DC uses these are up to him.

I must also note that modding, for me, is a thing of the past. I may revisit it from time to time, but I have made an effort to improve my time management. My methods of modding were slow and inefficient, and took a lot of time. I'm glad for the extra experience and knowledge gained doing mods, but I am more interested in other aspects of coding currently.

I know that these ideas, if correctly approached, would vastly improve gameplay.

user DC: If I inadequately covered some of my ideas, I can provide further explanation and description, if necessary.
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