Removed a few debug console messages
Password loading/saving issues
Windows dedicated/client crashed when Lua bugs occured
Vulnerability that allowed hackers to select super supply weapons in normal supply buildings
In-game name changing didn't work anymore
Language files were still loaded from old path when using -sys or -path commandline parameters
Lua "rawdmg" parameter was missing on lethal hits (hit hook) causing Lua errors in some cases
Lua flashlight hook only worked when spray hook was used somewhere as well
Changing mp_flashlight setting in-game didn't work properly
Servers tried to check U.S.G.N. logins even when using -offline command line parameter
Camera sometimes jumped around between spawnpoints while being a regular spectator
Bugged sample script in sys/lua/samples/console.lua (getentitylist command)
Grenades/projectiles were not drawn for one frame when changing state from flying to lying
";" is not allowed in player names anymore
Warning about running the game in program files folder is now only displayed on Win Vista/7/8
Shots now cause less damage when they hit other players/NPCs already (-30% damage per hit)
Smoke grenades now block the field of view when fog of war is enabled (in a 3x3 tiles area)
Lua files are not accepted via file transfer anymore (for security reasons)
Clients disallow to save transferred files to 'sys'-folder (was possible with hacked server)
Bot players now do not count anymore in all voting processes (vote/votemap)
Dispenser buildings will not spawn ammo anymore on servers with mp_infammo enabled
Barricade now behaves like obstacle and can be damaged with close combat/explosions only
Game now uses NAT hole punching for better connectivity in the serverlist as well
Editor test map button (at tools)/hotkey (F12) and in-game return button (ESC menu)/hotkey (F12)
Bot players can now be flashed with flashbangs
parse command now automatically stops to parse at first ";" (can be changed with new parameter)
hudtxt/hudtxt2/msg/sv_msg/sv_msg2 now support in-line color tags (©RRRGGGBBB)
Env_Sprite can now be moved/rotated/resized in editor with the mouse
Env_Image can now be moved in editor with the mouse
Gen_FX particle spawn area can now be resized in editor with the mouse
You can now also specify a custom kill image in the customkill command
Command mp_smokeblock (do smoke grenades block the field of view?)
Command mp_shotweakening (how much damage/force do shots lose when passing through players/NPCs)
Command damageobject (damage/repair/heal objects/NPCs)
Command endround (end the current round, supports different modes)
Command freeprojectile (instantly removes a projectile)
Command spawnprojectile (generate a new projectile)
Lua command projectilelist (get projectile lists)
Lua command projectile (get values from projectiles)
Lua command imagehitzone (add/remove Lua image hitzone)
Lua hook hitzone (on hit of a Lua image hitzone)
"entity", "entityx" and "entityy" parameters for object Lua command
"ai_flash" parameter for player Lua command