Hi guy , when i start server in my PC .
I tested many lua like : Rpg , Rp and more
when players connect ,
they stay in spec and they left whit out reason
i started the Rpg Espace And a player joined the server , 10 sec cmd auto-open when the player left in 1 sec and get closed .
i can't read The msg in cmd because it get fast closing
And When i open Delicated server , i can't see my server in lan and the delicated and more think .
Can i have any help
Guy , sorry for my bad english
. Admin/mod comment
Wtf... using "pro" as abbreviation for "problem" because your title is worthless and therefore not accepted by the forum only makes things worse. I changed your title to a better one. Think about a good title yourself next time! /DC 1. Verify if you have a good network connection
2. Then open your cs2d and open a server with him. Don't forget to uncheck the box when write "Offline/Lan"
3. After you opened a server with the game, close it fast.
4. Then open your cs2d dedicated server and wait to connect it to the servers list
5. Then open your cs2d again and join your server
Maybe you have a problem with your network or you added more things to download players on your server list 6. Maybe they don't want to play on your server. The Same Problem Like Me :(. when i started server called [IGR]-Tibia , there are 3 players joining . after 2 Minutes they Just Gone
without any Reason like : Disconnected , Kicked , or Anything . I Just Alone here
. but when the another people from Indonesian too they can enter. why Another people which is not Indonesians can't Enter my Server?? Why!!? no reply awnser my probleme
Player joined my server 10 time and left in 10 sec !
i think he stay in Server Data ...
make sure that you have fast enough connection and enough RAM to host the server Be sure that you have at least 1.00 GB and fast internet .
And delete all the useless shits from GFX and SFX Folder . If your GFX/SFX is full with random downloaded crap , your players are downloading that too. I use dedicated server. Players join , everything is good . I don't have 1000.000 billion shits in my GFX , just 5 folders
Sneaky: No they don't download it unless you used it in ur maps or scripts.
it has nothing to do with the server. Why is cmd (command prompt) opening anyways. That seems highly random. Maybe it's your own script trying to read data from a file but fails? I'd assume that. Do Not Use modem,try WiFi it just gonna same, no changes, and even not configured firewall/router. getting more worst. well, to
CaneCorso i think that you does not have enough RAM to host it. and if the people stuck on server data, make sure that you configure
transfer_speed correctly, don't add big images, and don't add too many images at servertransfer.lst I think you don't port forward your server, I know it was 'hard'
But actually it is easy
*watch my youtube video if it is ready*
If you use a modem, just add in to the firewall.. Thats all