version of the multiplayer, it's not perfect but bugs and errors become less.
Download (70MB)

The saving of the game.
In order to keep the game to build a sign (sign) to approach it and press E and the game is saved in a file 1_Continue_game.s2
To continue the game, you must rearrange the file to your friends ( file path "Stranded 2 MP shipwrecked 0.8 \ mods \ Stranded II \ maps") and create a new game using the card.
Since skills are not retained by their impact on the game is reduced to a minimum, for the construction of the vertex is no longer required skill and youths , and to plant a tree farming.
New crafts:

Posted 10 cards made in the random map generator
What I like to add ? Yes, I have myself

P.S. Sory for my bad english
P.P.S. My web-site - only russian lang.
edited 3×, last 07.10.13 02:33:41 pm