I already said i can offer theme for free. can you offer me 0.5 GB RAM 5GB SSD or HDD and 1CPUx1GHz and fast internet for free?
Shawni, crappy laggy servers for free! YAY!
Infinite Rain, having lot of servers doesn't make them laggy if you have the right specs to handle them.
On our node1 there are about 25VPSs and no, the dedicated server is running smoth. How can CS2D server slow it when high end VPSs didn't ? can you gimme 2 or 3 cs2d servers?
mr_s, not going to do that, you already joined my site and got banned. 71 COMMUNITY BANNED
Hopfully thread will be used in USTS (us.de thread simulator)
@thread: Actually idea is kiddish, and something like "frendship is magic" so please, do understandable threads. Thanks mate.
SaZ Dice has written
so can you give me ?
Admin/mod comment
This thread is totally a bullshit , there's no ideas to make clans happy. There NOOB clan shouldn't have success , I stopped playing CS2D.
Maybe I'll be not here to reply who'll ask/reply me. plz give me 0 server i be very happy plzplz I dont know edited 1×, last 24.03.14 12:06:02 am
Admin/mod comment
Stop talking shit. /Starkkz