Hello Dear CS:2D Community,
here we are! We're hosting CS:2D Servers for great projects you want to organize!
Our team supports each kind of project. If its a Fun Server or a Clan Server, our servers serve for the realization of your ideads!
The servers datacenter is located in Düsseldorf, Germany and its certified with a lot of documents.
Our team promises to help fast and helpfully in case of any problems appearing.
To check your and your friend's pings we decided to furnish a testserver on which you can play. In the CS:2D Serverlist its called „Sponsoring | Test“.
Sadly you can't reach us using our site currently thats why you'll have to either write us a message in this forum or in skype so we can work on your questions and interests.
In case you're interested your message should contain following informations:
Username< the one you would like to use in Filezilla and Putty >
Password< the one you would like to use in Filezilla and Putty >
Payment< Paysafecard, Paypal,... >
The programms you should download to work on your servers are the following:
PuTTy< to start your server >
Filezilla< to upload the files you'd like to use >
Don't worry if you don't know these programms. In this case we'll support you via Teamviewer or Teamspeak setting up your server.
The prefered payment solutions are the following:
The costs are the following:
1 Server – 2 Euros
2 Servers – 4 Euros
3 Servers – 5 Euros
4 Servers – 6 Euros
For the first 2 servers you'll have to purchase 2 Euros for each server. For every following server you decide to buy you'll only pay 1 Euro.
Contact us:
ProoF – 19092 or using Skype: proof.cs2d
kJIl0kBa – 2422 or using Skype: myhexorx3 Alternatively, you could just buy your own VPS and have full control over your servers, hosting as many servers as you like for less than 5€. And if you are having trouble setting them up, I am certain that there are many people here who would be willing to assist you, for FREE!
Go get a real job, lawl. It pays better. @
EcstasyKc: Go get a real job instead of posting, lawl.
Pr0oF: I assume you don't have alot of knowledges on linux by this thread. I do have a real job, hence why I suggested it, dumb f*ck. Think before you post.
Try and help users on this forum from getting ripped off and I still get flamed. Great forums DC, great forums.
EcstasyKc has written
I do have a real job, hence why I suggested it, dumb f*ck. Think before you post.
Try and help users on this forum from getting ripped off and I still get flamed. Great forums DC, great forums.
Still working on your random intelligence ?
Am not good with advices, can I interest you with a sarcastic comment ? Shawni has written
@user Pr0oF: I assume you don't have alot of knowledges on linux by this thread.
Ive got all the knowdledge needed to set up a server and work on it.
EcstasyKc has written
Alternatively, you could just buy your own VPS and have full control over your servers, hosting as many servers as you like for less than 5€. And if you are having trouble setting them up, I am certain that there are many people here who would be willing to assist you, for FREE!
You kidding, right? If youre serious then you obviously dont have a clue about how much work it is to set up and configurate a vserver. Nobody would do that for free...
For people who dont want to deal with all that stuff its easier to simply pay a little money and rent 1 or 2 servers instead of learning all that stuff.
Don't involve personal things here dude. I guess youre mad on kach for leaving Kc but its your fault that you lost your best player. @
Pr0oF: Seriously it never was hard to setup a virtual server on a dedictaed or a private machine.
Pr0oF has written
how much work it is to set up and configurate a vserver
About ten minutes of typing at a console, searching this forum for the variety of threads about managing a VPS.
Having worked on UNIX-like systems for sometime, I have no problem with giving out information about it to newbies, so I would count as someone who would spend a few minutes explaining how everything works.
BTW, the reason he said you probably don't have much experience with operating servers is because you ask the client to use PuTTY to start their servers. They may as well just buy a VPS of their own.
Pr0oF has written
You kidding, right? If youre serious then you obviously dont have a clue about how much work it is to set up and configurate a vserver. Nobody would do that for free...
As soon as I get VPS login details, I can setup multiple cs2d servers in less than 10minutes. If you don't know already (clearly not judging by your post), I host both the NZ and USA servers for Kc.
And about Kach, lol, bitch please. After he was crying to me about aimkey and rLn, I told aimkey I was going to kick him. He was already removed. We will see how long this clan lasts lol... hopefully longer than MyR, don't quit ICC when you start losing please.
EcstasyKc has written
As soon as I get VPS login details, I can setup multiple cs2d servers in less than 10minutes. If you don't know already (clearly not judging by your post), I host both the NZ and USA servers for Kc.
He said virtual server and not a CS2D server, read before posting.
Anyway, it's not hard for me either. I already did it many times since we give free VPSs on subnetweb.
Shawni has written
EcstasyKc has written
As soon as I get VPS login details, I can setup multiple cs2d servers in less than 10minutes. If you don't know already (clearly not judging by your post), I host both the NZ and USA servers for Kc.
He said virtual server and not a CS2D server, read before posting.
Anyway, it's not hard for me either. I already did it many times since we give free VPSs on subnetweb.
He quoted me, dipshit. I was talking about setting up dedicated cs2d servers.
Who the fuck are you anyway? Go back under the rock you came from. Admin/mod comment
There's no need to be upset. @
EcstasyKc: All I heard was, "Bullshit blah, I'm an asshole." What the fuck is wrong with you ecstasy??
If its easy for you to set up a vserver then be happy... It has not been that easy for us. proof has written
the fuck is wrong
It's pretty much self-explanatory. @
Shawni is just an egoistic idiot who thinks that he knows everything. Just ignore him, he host some random crappy servers, and thinks that he is server OG here. @
Infinite Rain: If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass. xD!
If I had known that this will turn into a flamewar I wouldnt have posted this. Admin/mod comment
well to be honest there are some people who need just one server and dont want to spend time learning how to manage a server. at least the price isn't totally ridiculous
for the rest who are not lazy, check out http://lowendbox.com
As soon as I get VPS login details, I can setup multiple cs2d servers in less than 10minutes
more like 30 seconds if you already have a cs2d folder configured and know what you are doing
If its easy for you to set up a vserver then be happy... It has not been that easy for us.
if it's difficult for you guys to set up a server for cs2d, i really dont see how you guys are gonna handle issues for your customers
do your customers just have their own accounts on the vps? you better hope no one fork bombs the server HeX User
I agree with FlooD, If its a single account i suggest you don't use this.