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English Server crashes

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old Re: Server crashes


@user HackersClub: Go hide your ass someone will kill you. *You little wanna be.)

If you use hes tool to crash a server please do not trust because theres a rat or keylogger there. (I will post results I've got later.)

old Re: Server crashes

Moderator Off Offline

user Ahmad has written
@user HackersClub: Whats the point of crashing these servers since they didn't do anything to you?
Does it make you feel like a badass?

Maybe he just wants to show that this game isn't perfect and that DC should do something about it to improve it. But that's what crackers usually do. I don't see any point in doing this too o.O

old Re: Server crashes

Admin On Online

@user HackersClub: You are just a huge idiot. This is no flame, it's just the truth. You are randomly destructing a freeware game. You seem to be even proud of it. It simply makes no sense. This is the most retarded behavior possible. You are unbearable and pathetic.

Unreal Software doesn't tolerate this pointless destruction. You are banned and you are not welcome here anymore. Please leave us alone forever or at least until you turn sane. Same for your multi acc user Mechanics Faith.

And just by the way: What you are doing is a crime. It's not very clever to show it everyone.

@user Rainoth: I'm very sure that his intentions aren't good because he's behaving like a little script kiddy which has totally no clue. He's also using a "hacker"-nick and had a "hacking" website in his signature to share "his" "hack".
edited 1×, last 13.11.13 08:52:02 pm

old Re: Server crashes

User Off Offline

user mafia_man has written
user Z- has written
best bet to keep hackers and the like off is making sure they are required to have a USGN account, then you can ban them and find out who they are for sure.

You can't stop hacker if he has access to 1gbps connection and can DoS your server by flooding it with UDP packets.

You can. If you have a dedicated server with 10Gbpit burst.

old Re: Server crashes

User Off Offline

user Shawni:
It's not just about the transfer, because Counter Strike 2D dedicated server linux, windows or mac version can only address 32bit memory so the buffer would get quickly full and result in crash. AFAIK.

old Re: Server crashes

Admin On Online

CS2D isn't capable of handling massive flood attacks I guess but you can protect against primitive DoS attacks with appropriate firewall rules.

Not accepting more than ~100 UDP packets (as server) per second per IP might already help. I didn't test that though. I only know that CS2D shouldn't send much more than 50 packets per second so 100 should be a safe value.

old Re: Server crashes

User Off Offline

My friends, now that he is registered, you have everything you need for hack him to turn I hope?

Let the party begin!

old Re: Server crashes

User Off Offline

I guess he has already another account created and is surfing with sunglasses on this forum.
The aim is mostly to show it is possible, that THEY can do it, and to have fun making people angry.

Like when you're at school and you/others are making a fool of someone, this is pure trolling to see reactions, the more they are intense, the more they will continue.
(most of the time)

What DC said plus the lua made by Yates (+ community) should be enough at the moment.

IMO it should be something fixed in a future version of cs2d (the spammed sounds)
I know you're not working on it at the moment, but please don't forget that.

old Re: Server crashes

BANNED Off Offline

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m hashlimit --hashlimit 100/s --hashlimit-burst 300 --hashlimit-mode srcip --hashlimit-name CSS2dd -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j DROP
limit in sec not work
I think he is using big packets

old Re: Server crashes

BANNED Off Offline

This server is going to die. Why? Because we will kill it. Also we are currently recruiting new members to our team.
Contact via email: - Email address (only visible with login) -

old Re: Server crashes

User Off Offline

@user Ahmad: Watch out, you'll be banned for that quote.
Also I want to know what you gain from crashing HC Fun, an explanation would be nice.

old Re: Server crashes

BANNED Off Offline

user TbGeto_HackersClub has written
This server is going to die. Why? Because we will kill it. Also we are currently recruiting new members to our team.
Contact via email: - Email address (only visible with login) -

This message is fake.
Ignorite it.

Spoiler >

old Okay

User Off Offline

What do you have against HC fun !minecraft! etc
And why do you want unrealsoftware(yousaid intheforums) and The servers to die?
I mean what did they mock you like very hard to make you crash?If so just ignore them its the internet

old Re: Server crashes

BANNED Off Offline

user AstralBone has written
What do you have against HC fun !minecraft! etc
And why do you want unrealsoftware(yousaid intheforums) and The servers to die?
I mean what did they mock you like very hard to make you crash?If so just ignore them its the internet

You talking too much..
I sayed that message was fake..IMG:

Its probably other hackers are hiding behind our clan.

old Re: Server crashes


user HackersClub001 has written
user AstralBone has written
What do you have against HC fun !minecraft! etc
And why do you want unrealsoftware(yousaid intheforums) and The servers to die?
I mean what did they mock you like very hard to make you crash?If so just ignore them its the internet

You talking too much..
I sayed that message was fake..IMG:

Its probably other hackers are hiding behind our clan.

STFU! Your just a stupid kid. Stop trolling besides your just wasting your time.
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