I cant make own server i follow the instruction when im done downloading dedicated server i open it it is in notepad and all Symbol ? .
sorry for bad english.
First of all check if you put the dedicated.exe to yout cs2d folder (usually c:/counterstrike2d/)
If yes you got your first cookie congratz. Next - open the sys folder and search for the server.cfg if im right (dunno now if its .cfg , online via smartphone) then open it with "editor" check the port also check if your system has some open ports, otherwise you need to open one of them and paste the number to the server.cfg beside "sv_hostport xy" xy will be the portnumber. Check every other setting. If its correct safe it and start the dedicated server. It will give you logs about the current status. If its been added to serverlist or if some errors will shown. Then start cs2d and it will usually shown on the lan serverlist