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English Zombocalypse Survivor - Dev. Blog

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old Poll Zombocalypse Survivor - Dev. Blog

User Off Offline

Hello us users,today i decided to create a development blog for my first lua project, i couldn't find a better name, Zombocalypse Survivor,the only things that inspired me were DayZ and Minecraft.I need some ideas for items and stuff,i would appreciate if you would reply me some ideas,especially some post-apocalyptic food that i can introduce.
The main thing you must do is to survive,kill zombies for items or coins,sell items to gather more wealth,then use it for yourself,or share it with a friend.
Take care of your items,because every time you die your items are gone,and you're spawned with nothing.
You can construct only turrets,barbed wires and gate fields,the turrets have to be placed on special tiles,as shown in Screen 2.To build a turret you need 1000 coins,for wires 25 coins and for gate fields 50 coins.
If you want to test this mod, you can join on the following server : [G3X] Zombocalypse Survivor
> Changelog >


I used @user 0a: 's skins for the NPCs
Also i used some help and a functions lua made by @user Rainoth:
Half-Life tiles made by @user useigor: as far as I know.
List of items :
More >

List of weapons ( damage factor changed ) :
More >

List of armors :
More >

Food details :
More >

Zombies :
More >

To do :
More >

Hints and tips :
More >
edited 17×, last 27.06.14 12:01:56 am

old Re: Zombocalypse Survivor - Dev. Blog

Moderator Off Offline

Pointless poll.

- Guys, look a box!
- Can we hold it?
- No. Do you like it?
- Uhh..

The mod from description sounds like it's GOING to be a big thing. Right now it seems eh, but knowing you, you'll have tons of ideas to make it great. Just don't give up. I hate development threads for mods that never finish.

old Re: Zombocalypse Survivor - Dev. Blog

User Off Offline

I've been updating it rarely these days,because I lost some of the data and I had to rewrite it.
Also,something that is not mentioned in the description is that I changed the spawn hook,where the status is set,to join hook,so now you can respawn without losing any item but cs2d's weapons/equipment,the next step is to make save and load.

old Give Command?

User Off Offline

Is there a Give command in the mod? I would be very thankful if someone told me. Also, the mod is very good. Keep up the work.
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