download here
this mod is still on dev
edited 2×, last 22.02.15 11:56:59 am
Admin/mod comment
I removed the download link, it can be placed back when there is a clean one /DC First I would tell you to learn a little English, then you already know fluent again, and did not understand in your thread because you put cat or dog as option 1) Broken link to photo.
2) It's 100+MB download
3) The setup.exe is broken and doesn't even work/install.
4) There is Adware attached to the download that gives popup ads behind your open window.
5) If this is how you present your mod to the probably is not even playable and broken.
Thanks for wasting my I will go run my cleaners 
p.s. I try really hard to be nice and respect others posts...but this is over the top, what you present here is...NOTHING! If you fix your intro I will edit this post with a better review. edited 1×, last 22.02.15 02:17:47 am
file name contains "setup" and "*.exe" when it's about a S2 mod. totally unsuspicious
does this virus come with different colors?
install at C:\Kalashnikov and don't install at C:\Program Files\Tri Mcdayak/colonial_militia\Stranded 2 Tmod\ Sorry, as long as you don't give us screenshots and a description we won't download it. Too suspicious. Might be a virus or something What's the point to put this poll with cat and dog?
I didn't saw something special at this mod and i found this file suspicious too, maybe you want to put us in a trap? I think you should be banned forever.

Window Defender detected malicious software and I was able to remove it.
So I hope you get permanent ban. I have contacted mods an admin about this. You been a member here for over a year and you do this? Why? edited 1×, last 22.02.15 02:34:37 pm
I think he used some sort of software to create install package, but he couldn't know that it will became a virus..
I checked it out, YES it is a mod!
All you need to is click right Mouse Button And extract archive into folder, then scan it for sure and if viruses are gone, launch mod

Why so heavy? There is a lot of junk inside mod, it's okay
edited 1×, last 22.02.15 02:50:27 pm
I guess maybe he did not know the installer was infected...he should have scanned it himself too I think. at your own risk I guess
It IS infected though, if you installed and did not get a "detection" from your virus protection then you ARE infected with Virut.BO virus @
Assassin moder: Hmm, the screenshot of the menu game and background looks like some buildings and etc, anyway i wonder how you opened it if this file has a virus or something unknown in it... @
GeoB99: Already wrote how..
I downloaded, right clicked on it and extracted to the folder, Anti-Virus Software detected viruses and I deleted them. After all I just launched StrandedII -win .bat file inside folder.
Watch out, music in game is too laud and can provide ear damage
You can download it.. and at this point nothing is detected.
When you run the setup.exe and it begins installing...your virus detection will alarm(if you have good antivirus)...and the install will still continue and complete. (also depends on how good antivirus is)
Depending on your virus program, it either extracts the virus at this point or tells you to uninstall the dangerous program. this moment you can run the game installed, or not run it and delete it. Assassin chose to run it...that is how you see his menu image above...the game obviously works, but you are infected when you installed the mod setup.exe.
To: Colonial_Militia,
Why use a "installer"?...simply upload the Main Folder as a zipped file. Everyone can download it and click the exacutable without have to install it runs in it's own folder, no matter where you choose to put it. I couldn't even download file, because my net was really slow and 100 MB file is a bit too high for 1 developer. I think the download link should be removed from the OP until
Zoso666 can provide a clean download. "just be careful" should never be a viable argument to allow infected files and put users at risk!
also the supposed "image" in the OP and the signature seems suspicious to me because it doesnt work and a quick google search of the website name displays browser-virus related results, possibly a drive-by virus that changes the start page, displays ads and changes search engine results.
further anyone who puts enough work into a stranded 2 mod should know how to package it so that users can put the files into the right place by themselves. so until
Zoso666 can provide proof that it isnt the case I'll assume malicious intent. When i try to install the file it says: Setup error!
How would i fix that?