Well! It's the most ancient thing existing we've been running but the Linux dedicated server supports the 2.0.4, we're going to update it asap.
Edit: Small hotfix for windows, it now runs LuaJIT 2.0.4, no LuaJIT 2.0.0 beta 4 anymore. edited 2×, last 22.06.15 12:06:05 am
DC Admin
That's just true for the zip download from here:
So if you want to play with LuaJIT / FFI on Windows use that one. It's enough to replace the exe file.
This version also contains a hotfix for some of the fog of war bugs and increases the volume of the silenced weapons.
Please note that all other versions are still the same. A real update will be provided later. Probably in a few days. yrN User
The only thing that was good in this update CS2D was the loss of '' hacks '' the rest was crap servers stay with Lag too and it bothers enough I 'd rather the old version 1.2.5 will Admin/mod comment
That was the, but I fixed your link. /Starkkz Oh, good! now I can't use the "Enter" key as chat message unless using console or editing control.cfg.
Admin/mod comment
Removed needless quote /
useigor How about making cs2d with two lua modules , "ZEKE.LuaJIT2" and the old one which i don't know his name , and the user can choose which lua module he want to use. Aw
, because of the new update I'm getting errors in HC Admin Script.
Error has written
main.lua:298: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
Alright, tomorrow I'm going to try to find solutions for that script because a lot of people is complaining about the same error. Well i reporting lua error as well, tonight after job i share details. But if i remember was similar to usually error here. So what gonna be now? Today cs2d or u
Starkkz will trying to repair bad lua? DC Admin
Talented Doge: The item problem has already been reported. I'll double check the grenade thing though. Thanks. I agree with
Yates to downgrate cs2d tonight to version or idk what is better and faster for DC ,maybe rename to , give some sorry put in upload for everyone and take a time with new version. This is just suggest, please dont hate. BcY Reviewer
Joni And Friends has written
DC: im trying with this example
function s(id)
then it not appear the image to player

try 132+id instead of that,man. @
BcY: Its different with 200+id, i want the image under entity BcY Reviewer
BcY: But i want the image above player