For all players can't join to Spectator mode ?
I found nice bug in zombie mode

if tonumber(game("sv_gamemode")) == 4 then 	addhook("team","zbteam",5) end function zbteam(id,team) 	if team == 0 and player(id,"team") == 1 then 		msg2(id,"©255000000You cannot join the Spectators at this time!") 		return 1 	end end
pastteam = {} changedteam = {} if tonumber(game("sv_gamemode")) == 4 then 	addhook("team","zbteam",5) 	addhook("leave","zbleave") 	addhook("startround","zbstart") end function zbteam(id,team) 	if team == 2 and pastteam[id] == 1 and changedteam[id] then 		msg2(id,"©255000000You cannot join the Spectators at this time!") 		return 1 	end 	if team > 0 then 		pastteam[id] = team 	end 	changedteam[id] = true end function zbleave(id) 	pastteam[id] = nil 	changedteam[id] = nil end function zbstart() 	for _, id in ipairs(player(0,"table")) do 		changedteam[id] = false 	end end
addhook("team","zbteam",5) function zbteam(id,team) 	if team == 0 then 		msg2(id,"©255000000You cannot join the Spectators!") 		return 1 	end end