
I found a bug which exist only in OpenGL mode. If you're trying enter to the options the game got crash. You have to be on the server and it doesn't work on local server (new game).
I figured out it has to something with "force" lighting option too. However, I was able to reproduce it only once.
PS: The majority of the issues were fixed this morning. It should be way more stable now.
MAC and Linux builds are now available to download.
edited 1×, last 02.05.16 01:44:10 pm

Linux or Windows?

No, I'm serious, better place one trigger_delay with delay 0.3 than 15 trigger_delay with delay 0.

There's a problem, if I do Alt + Tab during the game, I can not deploy the game back.


Best update to do with images ever.

I'd like to use reqcld to get checksum of file but here is a problem because hook clientdata return only checksum in data2 and variable data1 is empty. Can you add path of requested file in data1 cuz sometimes UDP packages can arrive in a different order.
st0rm-: That was already reported. Try to use OpenGL instead of DirectX to fix it))

If it's happening, it's still a bug.

Looks quite good and especially the welcome music impressed me, whether I'll keep it I don't know at this time

Edit: Well, I don't really understand why it was necessary to take

I expected that some people might prefer the old ones, that's why they are still there as classic skin mod (use the mod tab in the launcher).
The new skins have a smoother outline and are more suitable for scaling in different resolutions.
They are made by

Regarding the tab out issue: I recommend to either use OpenGL or to run the game in a window.

But when I run the original .exe this don't happen wtf?
1001 work fine.
Always crashing when join server.
please fix!
I found the following problems:

