What to do yet?
I just need Graphic Designer who can spend time for us. That's totally all I need from you. Everything other is already done and I'm so happy with that. If you want to help me, please contact me via PM. I will thank you very much!
About Metin2
Metin2 has a gameplay system similar to those used in many MMO games. Experience points are earned every time the player kills a mob and completes a mission from an NPC. The game's combat is based on an `Hack and Slash` system.
Players can choose to be in one of 4 categories: Warrior, Shaman, Ninja or Sura. Each class has subclasses in which the player can specialize in. Each subclass has 5 abilities. In total there are 40 abilities!
What about Tibia?
I would love to tell you, that my MMORPG is totally modern in the CS2D Community. I'm using everything that makes our scripts look amazing! Eg. Visual Lua, Effects, Bloods, Ragdoll, Soft mobs' move. Moreover my game have such new things that never existed in Tibia, such as Upgrading Items, Skills and so on..

edited 1×, last 11.08.17 04:17:14 pm