
Also, players DO play with bots and it isn't only at the start. Lots of servers also use them to attract and entertain players when they're empty, I've did this in one of my previous servers and I can safely say that lots of players enjoyed playing with the custom smarter bots it ran.

Masea: Let's say that your parents are demanding you to get higher marks on school, but your project halts you from that, what would you do?

So you tellin' me, you'll finish this someday? If it be so.

Lots of servers also use them to attract and entertain players when they're empty
I mean, we should rather waste our time on other mods instead of improving the bots. This actually will be the thing that would attract new players.
And, the last and the most important thing: No one would play with bots if there's enough of players.

They better do something else since that mind is entirely not working. You can see that in the server list.

I've did this in one of my previous servers and I can safely say that lots of players enjoyed playing with the custom smarter bots it ran
Even when I used to host it at home, the server would be able to reach around 16-24 active players. This would not happen without the bots headstart it had.
Listen, I get your point but, packing tons of new and cool features over regular the CS frenchise and having the bots not able to use them does not make much sense to me. And also, as I said before, bots are really dumb right now, IMO, it should at least be minimally fun to play with them. You even made a solid point on how they could also be used in competitive gamemodes.

Even when I used to host it at home, the server would be able to reach around 16-24 active players. This would not happen without the bots headstart it had.
Go ahead. We need a server as this. I'd like to try, so would many people as you said.

it should at least be minimally fun to play with them.
Look, I'm not saying that guy should leave this project. I'm saying that it is not a big deal actually. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. Maybe because I didn't see any lack of bots so far. Except for those mods where bots needed to be re-coded like yours over again. They're dumb, okay - but nobody plays with them anyway. See the server list, please:

They shouldn't be that dumb, yeah. But if you thinking that would make the game more popular - actually, you're wrong.

About my servers, if you think that I'm lying, fine. All I know is that its bots were able to entertain most players while waiting for other players to arrive and it did its job pretty damn f*cking well.

Masea: Never said that it would make the game more popular, I said that they should be improved.

About my servers, if you think that I'm lying, fine. All I know is that its bots were able to entertain most players while waiting for other players to arrive and it did its job pretty damn f*cking well.
And if we use bots to just use your idea(keeping them to get players on the server), so what is that improving for? If we don't use bots for it so why you gave me that as an example? Or if we really use for that, then when servers are filled, what's the issue? I don't get it.

Also, if you were smart enought, you would've been able to tell that I clearly don't want the bots to be improved only because I cannot properly execute "my idea".
And yeah, you're right, servers like Happy Camper's Fun and KGB2D's Zomvies will be empty forever, especially considering how they've done before CS2D entered this dead state.

Well, I like playing with bots - at least when they're running on enhanced logic.
Why? The answer is simple. They just don't complain about shit, nor they randomly start flaming me for no reason. Actually they're a pretty much of an upgrade of most people and invoke my laughter due to sometimes in-logical behavior.
Since every modern multiplayer game is infested with toxic and obviously language-handicapped people who misinterpret the meaning of a "game" I began to only play online games with friends/people I know well.

So why are we improving bots? If nobody plays with them?
You as developer should know that this may serve educational purpose or he was just in the mood to try implementing some AI logic because he likes it - since he already worked on awesome stuff like this : why shouldn't he share it? Also current AI is pretty shit and definitely needs some improvements.
I noticed that you try to force your will upon other users in this forum very often, while providing a lack of proof arguments. Formally I call people like this assholes.
I wish you all, including you (

Over and out.

I noticed that you try to force your will upon other users in this forum very often

other users in this forum very often

in this forum very often

very often