
if your going to constantly repost your thread and imply you 'updated' something, you will have to make that 100% clear, but its very obvious you are lying.
updating your poll is NOT updating your mod.
your last changelog update was on the 28th of november, in other words, you have literally no excuse reposting your thread several times in the past several weeks.

I also don't know what the diff is between enhanced lite s2.5 and titanium.
Thanks for any help or response

edited 1×, last 12.05.21 11:50:23 pm
can anyone tell me where the text files are for the character menu and rucksack? In this version it's all in dutch, but i can use google translate to change it if I could find the files. I found the skills lists and changed them, but in the two menus i mention, they still are in dutch.

anyway, I have over 800 downloads so that wouldn't be true.
Also, the problems people are having are confusing me, because I have experienced none of the problems people have been having.

Also, the extra stuff added to my mod is not pointless. In fact, I am using it right now to make several maps. One in particular I am especially excited about.
edited 2×, last 12.05.21 11:49:49 pm
my question remains: where can i find the files for the character menus and such that I asked for earlier (if I am on the right thread)? I really don't mind editing them. i just need to know where they are. somehow I am missing them. maybe they are in a file that has a lot of programming in it and the text I am looking for is just a comment in there somewhere, and I haven't painstakingly scrolled through those files to see. i suppose i can do that.
your "mod' seems to be as you state, something that mostly allows modders to do it easier. I would have liked seeing useless objects have some purpose, and most tasks be more specific, like trees give you branches till totally chopped down. other types of trees might give only vines or another bark, so we could "mine" for specifics. I would also like to see the "health" of a tree to see how far I can mine it without killing it. being able to build more stuff would go along way too. once you plant berries, you basically don't need to do anything but eat. being able to manipulate the ground wold be super. I'd love to make an underground base or just tunnels. but I digress.
You made sure everything works? I downloaded it once and had missing something. Well organized for moders? Moders know every path of the original SII so it's pointless for me.. I would stick to the original one to avoid any futher problems. Translations? What translations?
I downloaded it once and had missing something
wow. sounds very substantial and descriptive.
Moders know every path of the original SII so it's pointless for me. I would stick to the original one to avoid any futher problems.

Translations? What translations?

edited 4×, last 12.05.21 11:49:26 pm
Here are the results:
Horrific anthem
Heavy Machine Gun & railgun testing
Escape+Explore pt1
Escape+Explore pt2
Escape+Explore pt3
Bombs close up
Arctic Adventure Map
Arctic Adventure Map 2
Add action state
There will be more videos in the future (I will just edit post and add the links) but I've met my YouTube quota for today, because YouTube only lets you upload a certain amount of videos per day. Enjoy!
edited 1×, last 27.07.22 10:10:27 pm


This is way to linear and no fun at all, honestly, sorry. try to make something more like an adventure that is an adventure, not scripted game from A to B
I assume you're talking about my Arctic Adventure map, or my Escape and Explore map (or both). Honestly, I agree. I made those maps a while ago, and they could use a bit of improvement (I didn't actually finish either map entirely yet. If I do decide to finish them I will keep your feedback in mind). I do have some other videos, though, of some different aspects of the game. Because It's a new day my YouTube quota is reset, so I uploaded several more videos.
Multi-Part castle system
Menu Map Exploring - Castle and Chapel
Menu Map Exploring - Cave
Menu Map Exploring - Bridge
Menu Map Exploring - Teleporting into Tunnel
Menu Map Exploring - Tunnel
Blowing stuff up on S2E Menu screen
Minor Terrorism in S2E with Plane
Plane Explodes Itself
I still have 19 more videos left to upload. It will take about two days to upload them all, if all goes to plan.
Here's the latest batch:
Plane Test
Quad Tank Carnage
Quad Tank Explodes
QuickBuild Tech
Rapidly Changing Plants
Rocket Turret Test
RAW and MP5 Destruction
Snipers and Shotgun Carnage
Strategic Survival Map pt.1
Strategic Survival Map pt.2
Aaand the final batch. Sorry it took much longer than expected.
Tower Map w/ Guns 1
Tower Map w/ Guns 2
Tower Map First Video
Tower Map Second Video
Tower Map Third Video
Tower Map Fourth Video
T-Rex Surrounding Player
Warthog Test
Win for no reason
Actually, no. We have even more videos. They're Tremendous. HUUUUGE. The greatest videos ever seen.
Tele-Deport Ship for Free
Tele-Deport Ship Fun
Tele-Deport Ship
Houses With Doors and Stoves
Gatling Turret vs Local Wildlife and Homes
Actual Working Houses w/ Doors
Door Slamming
Fun with Gates
Some new vids are out, on the version just released now:
Menu I
Menu II
Menu III
Menu IV
Tank Destruction
edited 20×, last 04.11.22 06:54:29 pm