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English crashing my server

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old Re: crashing my server

User Off Offline

This happen in ALL games, not just with CS2D. So, if you want to host a server, you must be prepared to handle with this. In my case, I've rent a VPS with anti-ddos, I made some extra protection by myself and an auto-restart for the dedicated server in case of a crash for any reason. Even with all that, It's not 100% safe.

old Re: crashing my server

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Paying for anti-ddos is pointless IMO, if someone wants to crash your server it won't take too much effort.

You're just wasting money, you'd be better off buying a stronger server.

old Re: crashing my server

Super User On Online

Buying a stronger server costs more.. EG:. Check OVH or something and see what a good server cost.. Not for CS2D, it's not worth it. Sadly.

old Re: crashing my server

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user Marcell: A few things.

• It's not sad that you don't need a powerful server for CS2D, that is an awesome thing that allows us to spend around 1 EUR a month and host like 7 servers.
• Buying a stronger server (usually) costs as much as DDoS protection, but it does way more (IMO), thus it is worth it (depending on your situation).

> The thing that isn't worth it, is spending money on DDoS protection or a stronger server rather than just having a script that restarts your servers. *

* If your sole purpose is to prevent crashes, that is because CS2D is way too easy to crash, even without DDoS.

old Re: crashing my server

Super User On Online

You didn't get me right, I was meaning, buying a GOOD server with DDoS protection is sad... It's not worth at all. By a good server I meant at least $100 which covers DDoS and gives you a nice server.
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