Hello... I'm a beginer "editor" of stranded. I've made several new items, which are usable in random map. I'm also working on one map with the story and with many scripts ;-). Question is if you want the mod now or... actually, read it in Poll... And I want you to watch powerpoint slideshow, which I've made(it descript the mod and there is a lot of screenshots...), and tell me what do you think...ok?
The slideshow:
Thanks for attention and please vote
edited 1×, last 18.12.07 11:14:18 pm
Admin/mod comment
I felt free to rename this thread from "A new mod" to the actual title /EwokChieftain Then, can you put mining skills in the character menu?
(I don't known what a mod is..... actually.) Need, another mod
why don't you just help satis with his mod, or contribute to S2Ext (not english yet, but I'm working on that problem)?
Brandon has written
(I don't known what a mod is..... actually.)
a mod is a game modification. It either extends the game (like S2Ext or New World) or even change it's theme completely (like Asos) i can say you one thing: this ideas and the making is great. you should do another one. yeah, but flying lizard need some people like you. [ot]and now to you brandon: making two threads and now this post. if you really want to help him, send him a pn. omg, making two threads at the same day, the same hour. you've got the both ideas and don't know how to write the second in the first one, huh?
maybe a little bit hard, but true
to bizzl: I'd like to help, but I realy can speak germany even not a word. Tell him to send me pm, and we can make a deal:-)
spf357: so you suggest me not tu publicate it but keep it for complex big project?
But there is a thing. Otherwise I know very well principle of the scripts and I'm quick to learn, but I can't ever compare with programmer like flying lizard... Cause I started with writting scripts about two weeks ago... edited 2×, last 19.12.07 05:55:38 pm
Ok, finished. It'll be with map... It'll be done next year:-) no, ypu should public it. and, yea, really gret doubblepost. i sent that to a mod. [ironic]oh jeah, i just ignore the doublepost-warning
ts[/ironic] edited 1×, last 21.12.07 05:08:29 pm
that make you fast and can fly and dont need to air in the water and its effect is 5min we shall call it super potion and yeah you have super strenght that you can destroy anything that you punch
for me your cool hudajan
omg, that is the second doublepost at one day?
you can edit the post with "editieren". jeru has written
and yeah you have super strenght that you can destroy anything that you punch

Anything? Look forward to lightsaber
(1000 dmg) sorry for the double post spf357 and yeah i didnt see the light saber sorry when will you finish it anyway could u post a file of what uve done so far so we can look for bugs and suggest what would go well with what you have in the mod
ps i just had to make poll even lol
no seriosly it will be good either way I like maps and stories,so I want a new mod with map!
HudaJan has written
jeru has written
and yeah you have super strenght that you can destroy anything that you punch

Anything? Look forward to lightsaber
(1000 dmg)
LOL...A red one or a blue one?
It's all properly done, the motor cycle and the mafioso even look very good. Although I'm sceptical about the polygons of the bike.
But as far as I see, the mod has the same problem as the German "Extension Mod": It's just a pile of new stuff that does not quite fit together. Or are you making some extraordinary campaign that combines all those things that come from different settings?
"Where shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning or in rain?" - "Upon the motorway, where the Garcomo Mafia battles with Flintstone family" - "Ha, you told me, fool! Now I can fulfill my evil plan! I'm not really a witch, I'm Tarantula the psychotic mermaid! *unmask* When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master! *lightsaberdraw*
You see what I mean? I greatly look forward to the completion of this mod